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Will we continue to strive for power, prestige and possessions following the concept the more the better ? CFC's are greenhouse gases (ghg), so if you are saying CFC's are the (main) cause of global warming then you are at least agreeing that global warming is caused by greenhouse gases. When the grid goes down, most solar systems that lack a battery will also shut down. either we have a crisis or not, but just in case the global issue is true, why dont we contribute our part, after all, we cant see the future. "On the basis of observation data, the climate crisis that, according to many sources, we are experiencing today, in not evident," reads the summary of the 20-page study. Once the animals start going extinct who the hell do you think is going to be next on the food chain when everything this else dies? Past and present fascist and neofascist movements frequently use fears of environmental catastrophe to promote eugenics and oppose immigration and aid (8). Find the latest political news stories, photos, and videos on NBCNews.com. Life on earth plants and animal life are perhaps fungus and bacteria, relatively unimportant from the solar systems perspective. Organisations represented included:Met Office;Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs(Defra);Committee on Climate Change;WWF-UK;Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy(BEIS);UCL,HM Treasury,Department for Transport,Financial Times,University of Oxford,Imperial College London,University of Leedsand theUS Embassy. If the world burns up what is money good for? Had Ian hit a century ago, when sea levels were about a foot lower, the storm probably would have caused billions less in storm surge damage, judging by the results from two studies looking at storm surge damage from 2012s Hurricane Sandy in New York. Ive seen comments in the Guardian calling for deniers to be imprisoned without trial. Be Veg, Go Green, Save Our Planet!Very touch to see so many young hearts care our planet, but I am sorry it already happen: Base on the latest satellite data cited in a December 2007 article, NASA climate scientist Dr.H.J.Zwally predicts that nearly ALL THE ICE COULD BE GONE from the Arctic Ocean by THE END OF THE SUMMER MELT SRASON IN 2012. And we have also been unkind to our environment. The earth is slowly destroying itself, not us. Role of Vertical Mixing in the Upper Ocean in the Seasonal Variation of Arctic Amplification Dai et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 10.1029/2022jd037467, Compound risk dynamics of drought by extreme precipitation and temperature events in a semi-arid watershed Hu et al., Atmospheric Research, 10.1016/j.atmosres.2022.106474, Cooling and Contraction of the Mesosphere and Lower Thermosphere from 2002 to 2021 Mlynczak et al., Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres, 10.1029/2022jd036767, This is are-post from Yale Climate Connections by Bob Henson. Well, I am happy to report that I am not experiencing a climate crisis now. I am going to log off now because I feel guilty about my irresonsibility & contribution to global warming. I am looking at both views of this critical issue, you should too, if you want to truly understand. Water vapor has been increasing 1.44% per decade since before 1988. https://drive.google.com/file/d/1ssnzJADem1mOKH6weJTn21JSYcdkPmSk/view?usp=sharing. Following the stunning admission by the Pfizer executive Janine Small in the EU Parliament on October 11th 2022, that the COVID-19 vaccines were never tested to see if they prevented transmission of SARS-CoV-2 because they were working at the speed of science, it is well worth reading through the very first letter we sent to Matt Hancock, MHRA and JCVI in November 2020, just before the vaccines were approved under conditional authorisation by the MHRA. GOP Threatens to Hold Economy Hostage to Slash Climate Investments If Republicans take over Congress, they plan to hold the government hostage and ransom our future, said one climate advocate. causes of global warming / yeah i agreeyeah i agree that we are the destroyer of our own world because of what we are doing.. try to watch the documentary film of Al gore the "an inconvenient truth" their you will see what are the effects of what we are doing in earth on the present time.. so after watching it please spread it to other.. thanks.. Saddly humans are to blame ;(i agree that humans think too much of themselves.if we all cared just a little bit more alot of problems would be solved, less animals would be extinct and we wouldnt be dealing with global warming. The News on Sunday (TNS) Pakistan's leading weekly magazine. It is simply because the reduced ozone layer and the increased greenhouse gasses have let more heat inside the earth. global warmigngwe all will work together. The Sun is going through its cycles as it always have. However, this knowledge is being increasingly lost today as more Bedouins leave the desert to settle in towns due to the changing nature of the climate, but it remains alive in some segments of the Bedouin community. It is now clear that most people, including doctors, did no independent research beyond listening to the Government press conferences, the pronouncements of health officials, the Today programme and reading the Times, Telegraph, Guardian, Mail and so on. When Faraj was born, he says, he was born in the middle of nowhere in the desert. The main cause of global warming is our treatment of Nature, The ultimate global warming solutions is to behave as part of a larger whole, Its your personal decision whether you want to be the cause of global warming. Thanks to serendipity, a paper just publshed by Annual Reviewsand also pivoting on "two-step methane" delves into much greater detail on questions and potential challenges presented by decomposing perrmafrost. Nature is one of the most precious resources that we have and it shouldnt be treated like it is being treated. And do you know what else. Lets reduce the greenhouse gases and discover a way to help the ozone layer from depleting. The big and beautiful U.S.-Mexico border wall that became a key campaign issue for Donald Trump is getting a makeover thanks to the Biden administration, but a critic of the current president says dirty politics is behind the decision. For many years, the Bedouins have wandered around the harshest desert environments across Egypt, which helped them to build a knowledge of the natural world. Bio fuel can not sustain alone to whole world demand. Agree.I second this opinion. Wind power and solar photovoltaics (PV) are increasingly becoming cheaper The impacts of the energy, fossil fuel and transportation industries currently dominate climate mitigation discussions among global leaders, while animal agriculture, one of the leading contributors to climate change, is sidelined from discussions at best and ignored at worst. It took more than 20 years to broadly accept that mankind is causing global warming with the emission of greenhouse gases. A year of disastrous flooding perhaps reached its nadir in Pakistan, where a third of the country was inundated by heavy rainfall from June, killing more than 1,000 people in what Antnio Guterres, the UN secretary general, called an unprecedented natural disaster. The authors ignore the authoritative Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change (IPCC) report published a couple of months before their study was submitted to Springer Nature, Betts noted. is it the cows?on ABC news there is a section saying about cows effecting global warming. Are they thick, or stupid, or funded by renewables industries? I find him as someone who sees its warming (it is) and that there will be bad consequences arising from it (there neednt but he thinks that). While looking up information for this report, i have also noticed that its not just a few people who can stop it its everyone. CO2 is clearly not the cause of warming, warming always precedes an increase in CO2. Clinton Climate Initiative staff help governments in Africa and the Caribbean region with reforestation efforts, and in island nations to help develop renewable energy projects. i think global warming is realI think that global warming IS going on right now. 2019 Egyptian Streets. These effects add to natural influences that have been present over Earth's history. If so Why? why are we only to blame. Why dont we use those grains and land to feed the bottom half of the world that are hungry? Inadequate assessment of the public health risk from a Covid vaccine. On the campaign trail for the UCP, there is little focus on the environment, let alone acknowledging global warming or climate change as leadership candidates try to secure votes from party members. https://www.watercorporation.com.au/Our-water/Rainfall-and-dams/Dam-levels Or is it just a thing people just want to take someone else the blame for? Everyone has to make a personal decision. Global Warming may be happening but it cannot destroy our world. It's hard to catch any hint of hysteria in that. And therefore, I always say that if you eat less meat you would be healthier and so would the planet! arrive yet again in an increasingly familiar neighborhood: do we care ~15% more? in mexico they no tell us about this. Western Australia including Perth can be found at We have been massacring our co-inhabitant animals, and we have been destroying our environment, like deforesting and destroying the water and destroying the air. Does that make sense to you? Look up on YouTube- Word Crimes. The authors ignore the authoritative Intergovernmental Report on Climate Change (IPCC) report published a couple of months before their study was submitted to Springer Nature, Betts noted. But you do have a point about the whole conspiracy thing. yes we r da 1 YES WE R DA 1 WHO IS CAUSING GOBAL WARMIN N WE SHOLD CHGEN THE WAY WE THINK N TRY 2 DO SOMTHIN JUST TRY 2 PLANT A TREE IN YOUR BACKYARD SO @LIST WE HAV GIVEN THE EARTH 1% FRM US DA SELFISH HUMANZ. Global warming doesn't primarily ask for a technical solution but for a different thinking and attitude. Perhaps those experts missed reading the very last sentence in the abstract? be more seriousif your more worried about his typing then maybe you are the 10th grader who is the morongrow up!!! explains exactly why socialism actually an attractive concept fails totally to work. scientists from IPCC have been using ice cores to go back millions of years, not just 100 years! With advancement of various ways of seeing, we're no longer blind. If we destroy that we can live longer, but this does not neccessarily mean we will die if we dont act fast. Its not conThrough all the past cycles of heating and cooling, there has never been one as great as the cycle we are experiencing today. So, in order to solve the problem that we are facing right now, we have to reverse our actions. what can be done to alleviate this? If you cant be bothered reading it at least look at the Amazon reviews for this best seller. The earth has survived many weather releated catastrophes, and if we are to assume that global warming is the worst thing to ever happen to earth we are sadly mistaken. Every time I hear about record breaking heat waves, all over the world or record breaking snow in certain parts where it should not be well is dose not take a rocket scientist to figure out that plants and live stock cant survive with extreme climate change. Why the Wilson workshop? global warming is not a theory that asks us which side are we? Profanity and abuse will be removed and may lead to a permanent ban. All this information is based entirely on facts done by the worlds top scientists. Is there a link for this please. The storm flooded 12 of the remaining 22 homes in Newtok and left 35 people homeless. Betts is not far behind. Forecasters also hoped the cone would reinforce the important notion that a hurricanes impacts were broader than a single line. That is not natural. heartfully, jane, I am MexicanI talk small inglish. if we do some thing about global warming now then later we wont have to suffer and our generations wont have to suffer with these effects as well. global warmingwe are asking about the causes of global warming by mankind, globe warming dud you are so weird get a life. Why? Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. who was mistaken for the worlds top climate expert. This is called a feedback-effect of the warming of the oceans. Youll need to set up an account to comment if you dont already have one. Bechtel et al. Instead of killing them, massacring them, sacrificing them, we have to take care of them. Global Warming Is Real And something must be doneHello MOrgan I am Drewski and I have been attracted by the way you speak for our entire planet please tell me what I might do to stop the treachery of humans to engulf the very world we have worked so hard to trive on. The earth has been colder than it is now and much warmer based on the ice core samples. So when plants are not photosynthesizing they do give off some CO2, but they use more than they release. If people would pay more attention to the earth than what they spend on there clothes or other material things this problem may be solved already. It is our faultIT IS OUR BIG PROBLEM TO GLOBAL WARMING AND WHAT IS HAPPENING TO EARTH. I wish people would realise what is going to happen and do something about it. Why? Another recent study shows human impacts could cause billions of dollars in economic damage. Specific answers to most of your suggestions can be found at: http://www.realclimate.org/index.php?p=13, http://inthegreen.typepad.com/blog/2007/03/deconstructing_.html, http://reasic.com/2007/03/10/the-great-global-warming-swindle-questions-answered/. Perhaps if some of you matured, more progress could be made here. Three years ago, 11,000 scientists in 153 countries signed a letter urging all nations to work harder at replacing fossil fuels, cutting pollutants like methane, restoring and protecting ecosystems, eating less meat, converting the economy to one that is carbon-free and stabilising population growth. I have never trusted anything Betts says since he used to participate at Bishop Hill. you cant. The topic of climate change has been co-opted by big businesses and politicians. this article in NewScientist. How exciting can this be? Of course, there's more: methane decomposes into CO2 and water, with the former being our chief more long-lived culprit, and while decomposing methane also strips otherwise more useful hydroxl radicals from the atmosphere. The importance of internalclimate variabilityinclimateimpactprojections. Theres a rip in the atmosphere above New ZEaland in the southern hemisphere and the people in NZ are getting way tooo tanned, Who were the first, the most advanced culture, to launch sputnik, and all subsequent space vehicles into our space world? It just happens when theyre not photosynthesizing. Well, its obvious that Richard Betts, Head of Climate Impacts Research at Britains Met Office. and The Grantham Institute for Climate Change are objective observers. We disrupt the balance! People need to ask that question and see if saving this planet is worth saving. If we are to turn off all electricity dont you think there are 5 for every one energy saver who dont care what us small children think? Nobody wants to sound hysterical, after all. They are creating fear to push people to switch to buying electric cars or other products and technologies for profit, but they are ignoring the local knowledge that communities have.. The Impact of Renewables in ERCOT. LIKE IN THE MALL OR IN THE STREET WHILE EATING SOMETHING, TELL THEM NOT LITTER AND EXPLAIN WHY.JUST SIMPLE AS THAT.AND OTHER THINGS THAT CAN WAKE THEIR THOUGHT TO DELIVER POSITIVE ATTITUDE. Ice is melting, animals are losing their habitats and there have been studies that show that our gases are killing the ozone. do some research about global warming before you talk out of your ass. The UKMFA is calling now for the medical profession, politicians and decision-makers to actively engage with the huge amount of published science and real-world data, and to listen to the multitude of eminent scientists, doctors and independent journalists laying the facts out for easy independent research and understanding. The analysis was simple and very straight forward. umm we kinda are because weumm we kinda are because we just dump our trash every where MAIN CAUSE POLLUTION!!!! Neither vegetation nor oceans "produce CO2". Yes we can change that. Egyptian Money-Pooling Startup Money Fellows Raises $31 Million in Funding, 112: Egypt Announces its Very-Own 911 Hotline for Public Emergencies, Greta Thunberg to Boycott COP27 Amid Claims of Greenwashing, 100 Years Later: Celebrating Tutankhamun and the Egyptians Keeping Him Alive. Our local back-of-the-envelope calculations indicate that's~50 miilion pounds from the average US annual crop. There are no direct connections between the two articles butClimate change and the threat to civilizationjust published in The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences by Steel, DeRoches & Mintz-Woo serves to illustrate how thedetails of the concepts introduced by Huggel et al. The cause of global wrmingso youre implying that deforestation helps global warming?????????? 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