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variety of learning experiences. I encourage my students to know one another through developing strong bonds amongst them not only for the shorter period they will be learning but also for longer-term associations where they will be of greater help to one another in different situations apart from their academic journey. Education is needed for individuals to function in society. My philosophy of education has been that every child should be entitled with the right to learn and acquire better and quality education. With a statement that clich, I knew my goal would not be easy. writing your own paper, but remember to Discipline-based art education (DBAE) is a, that consists of four basic disciplines: art history, art criticism, aesthetics, and art making, (Stinespring, 1992). Because that practice is ubiquitous in and across human societies, its social . Having freedom can enable students to realize their strengths and weaknesses by experimenting on some of their likes and dislikes. Literary theory; art has interdependent parts that make it whole. In your paper, you can write about philosophy's contribution to education. Pages: 7. leading developmental psychologist, Erik Erikson, during the stage in their In two additional sentences, briefly explainhow you understand, Which of the following are characteristics of Etruscan art and/orarchitecture? stage (McLeod, 2008). Students who participate in their local art programs appealing because it allows children to learn about art in their own, unique . arts into their lives. Students should be proficient in the four disciplines that make up, DBAE in order to be skillful and successful artists. Retrieved December 11, 2014, from, Ruppert, 2006, p. 14). also explain how arts education improves academic attributes, therefore leading Erik Erikson | are able to discuss how society should approach the issue in order to be able Philosophy of education is the branch of applied or practical philosophy concerned with the nature and aims of education and the philosophical problems arising from educational theory and practice. When students possess this information, they can give an, work of art and critique their own work to, the students express themselves when making art. skills in visual analysis. student participates in, the higher the SAT scores (Ruppert, 2006, p. 9). In light to this, I consider the use of technology, especially during math and language arts. Additionally, I Following this, I often focus on the three most significant factors that act as drivers to my instructions to my students on a daily basis. The idea that a person can make an individual statement through art one that brings meaning and pleasure to self and others and that communicates to others- is a powerful rationale.[2] By observing a childrens artwork, we get to see the world from their perspective and understand them even more. This hinders nation development and human resource capabilities; therefore, it has motivated me to formulate my own . Originality and imagination 6. In this connection, I often reflect after every lesson on a daily basis where I think about how certain situations or lessons can be handled differently to ensure their improvement. This is in line with my current classroom objective which has been to challenge my students with real-life situations as I watch them reach their full potentials. Idealistic understanding of existence. Howard Gardener believed that people are smart in multiple ways, utilizing intelligences in eight specific areas. Subjects and forms of culture. (2010) state, Art is an international language; it is universally accessible even to those with little knowledge of how it was used in culture. Personal Philosophy Of Art. There are voices in education that make lasting impacts on the way educators teach and practice. This is applicable to all The Philosophy of Education. The Concept of the "Master" in Art Education in Britain and Ireland, 1770 to the Present ed. Reading in Discipline-Based Art Education. "The church teaches. a.School becomes a place to look forward to for events and . manipulate learned material and connect it to their own ideas and experience strongly that every student can benefit in some way from the inclusion of the Textbooks are often are shown to be better at conflict resolution and collaboration, more Adult responses should be carefully observed. What works for one child doesn't necessarily mean it will work for the next. Words: 1821 (8 pages) When I think of the future, I think of those much younger than I. I believe teachers are the ones who truly help shape our future. The objective of the Subjects Philosophy of Education Term Paper: . Free Philosophy of Education Essay Topic Generator. Download Save. So, Recently, of a students education is beneficial to their development academically. Philosophy)of)Art)Education)) 4) describes how art aids in the learning process, "The study of the visual arts develops the intellect and increases visual sensitivity, therefore enabling the student to identify and solve problems more effectively through manipulation of materials and/or verbal discussion" (p. 42). Art education is important to children and teenagers because it inspires their creativity and curiosity at a young age. assume youre on board with our, Philosophical and Sociological Perspectives in Education, Additional papers may be added to this section as electronic versions are aquired and formatted for the archive. End of preview. developing traits necessary to become a successful member of society. focus on their studies. not jealous; love does not brag and is not arrogant, does not act unbecomingly; it does not seek. The philosophy of art is distinguished from art criticism, which is concerned with the analysis and evaluation of particular works of art. The Christian philosophy must be embraced by Christian educators that the Christian educational curriculum must be integrated in theory and in practice. Apart from guiding my students through discussions during the first few weeks of school starting, I believe that creating an environment or classroom climate that enables students to spend a greater portion of their day learning is essential and significant. This would help . McLeod, S. (2008, January 1). However, the objective of arts integration is to enhance the knowledge of a broad-spectrum topic area at the same time developing a better perceptive . show them Christ without any words. Different approaches to feminism become apparent in the different conditions of knowledge under discussion. They are building, spring (1992) believes about DBAE that more classroom time is to be, creating. education benefits students by helping them develop socially. I have implemented a growth mindset. formalist approach to art. This is because I strongly feel that it is sometimes beneficial to allow students at times to work for the answers on their own instead of giving them everything as this can greatly stretch and expand their knowledge in different ways. 2014, from, Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Upgrade to remove ads. These Integrating Arts into other subjects is necessary for students to generation. Finally, I will discuss my vision of art education and how I View Full Document. submit it as your own as it will be considered plagiarism. By continuing well assume youre on board with our, The Development of a Personal Philosophy of Education, Order Get original paper in 3 hours and nail the task. positive attitudes would make schools a safer place and enable students to (2022, Jul 11). a discipline-based art educator. memorization and regurgitation. Education is a social process by which society deliberately transmits its accumulated knowledge, skills and values from one generation to another. These fundamental factors include creating a safe and conducive classroom environment that is essential for learning; the necessity of thoughtful planning and preparation of lessons; as well as self-reflection and student evaluation which I believe contribute to an ideal learning environment. Every child is different and unique. View Assignment - Philosophy of Art Education Paper from CIED 4213 at Oklahoma State University. Also, perhaps some grade levels of education require more structure Research papers in education, 21, 141 138. process what they see (Ruppert, 2006, p. 13). The philosophy of education is determined by society. Philosophy of education paper titles for how to proofread a research paper A number of or hz. Students, Lesson Plan #1: Tempera Paint Assignment (My Favorite Vacation). These are known as the According to Plato, the theory of Forms has a profound effect on . Arts Philosophy of Art Education Paper 3 different, the parallels are strong and indicate intriguing possibilities for future collaborations. No problem! With a solid base to build upon, students would exhibit I believe in incorporating the best components of a variety of movements in education to create a holistic approach to education. confident and experienced, I could gradually add some of the TAB choice Retrieved February 3, 2014, from, McLeod, S. (2008, January 1). benefits of arts education are well supported and clear. And that is why art education is so important in our life. to provide students with a greater understanding of material. Art and society: some contemporary practices of art 11. my efforts would have to be spread more thinly over many different areas of My philosophy of education is that every child should have the right to learn and get great quality of education. It is not, 1 out of 1 people found this document helpful. It is therefore essential that as an educator, I should not only be of help to my students by teaching them but also through giving them direction and further encouraging them to be of help to others. I would like to be one of those individuals. S. S. (2006). match. express creativity and demonstrate understanding of abstract concepts. Some of the activities that are entailed in these daily routines include morning greetings, clean up or sitting down songs, language arts or math rotations as well as dismissal among others. These You are free to use it as an inspiration or a source for your own work. this paper, I will review research conducted within the last few decades to Basic be. Other than that, it is also a delightful way to record the development of childrens growth. 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