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The Nightsister clan had used their magicks to enhance Savage Opress's features: longer horns, taller, and larger physique, turning him into an avatar of primal anger. Director Dave Filoni discusses the development of Ventress' backstory Asajj Ventress and two Nightsister accomplices attack Count Dooku under the veil of invisibility and the aid of a tranquilizing dart. Senator Lott Dod | The strong presence of the Dark Side on Dathomir facilitated the use the magick on the red planet, but as little more than a specific branch of the Force, it can be used throughout the galaxy. There was no explanation for her origins, but it was implied that she harbored a lot of Dark Power. A shaman could manipulate spirit ichor into physical objects such as a goblet of blackroot, as Mother Talzin did for Count Dooku when he visited Dathomir during the Clone Wars. IG-11 | Nightsister Zombies | Zeldin attempted to manipulate Caldoth into causing his own death out of revenge, but Caldoth was aware of Zeldin's presence, exploiting their connection before trapping her consciousness within his mind. During this time, Talzin worked alongside the Sith Lord, Darth Sidious. Soldiers [14], A period took place known as the Golden Age of the Nightsisters. During the lockdown of the Anoat sector[8] between 4 and 5 ABY,[31] she taught the ways of the Force to a smuggler from Burnin Konn who ultimately emerged as the leader of the Uprising. Context: Star Wars: The Clone Wars. Her death marked the fall of Dathomir and the end of the Nightsister coven. However, the iron will of new Clan Mother Talzin kept the clans together,[15] unifying them[16] into a single clan. Governor Tiber Saxon | Her work finished, Talzin vanished once more leaving the Nightbrothers to begin forming an army with which they could rival Talzin's enemy Darth Sidious. Clone Wars season 4, episode 19, Massacre. Answer (1 of 16): > Why is the dark side considered as evil or bad in Star Wars? Founder of the Sith | The task would be proved with a limb from the creature. 4-LOM | Dark Side Historian. Members Sebulba | According to Mother Talzin, the spirit ichor is the basis of all Nightsister magic and is granted by worship and ritual of the Winged Goddess. Hi. The Nightsisters and Dathomir were said to have a significant connection to one another, where the witches drew on the dark energies of the planet to fuel their magick. Commander Crosshair | Talzin initially denied she had any knowledge of Savage's whereabouts, but relented after prodding by Kenobi, using her crystal ball to inform the Jedi he was on Toydaria. In the shows episode aptly titled Nightsisters, fans first encountered the mystifying culture of these witches. The Nightsister order was now lost and forgotten, its rule was but a memory but Dathomir remained steeped in dark side powers. At some point prior to the Clone Wars, the clan was forced to give up the young Nightsister Asajj Ventress to the Siniteen criminal Hal'Sted as payment for protection of the coven. Viceroy Nute Gunray | Ventress left her side and charged into battle with the Nightsisters using the gnarled trees to rain energy arrows upon the droids from above. Grand Admiral Thrawn | TJ-912 | Daimyo Boba Fett | Talzin has Asajj secretly select a warrior from the distant Nightbrother village: Savage Opress. A Starwind addon. The Fifth Brother | General Cassio Tagge | Finally, the bodies were cleansed with fragrant oils and placed in the newly created burial pod[10] and mummified. When one dies, so I was told, we perform a ritual to honor her. Asajj went to the far side of the planet and held a test of selection from the Nightbrothers to see who was worthy of being her champion. The Second Sister | This is Thesecret1070. MUNCIE, Ind.--. They are known for keeping male slaves. These Dark Side users were able to perform their arcane magicks that were taught to them by Savathn, the Witch-Queen by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of the planet. Full Series "The Nightsisters chose the Dark Side for you" Discussion in 'Star Wars TV- Completed Shows' started by darklordoftech, Aug 27, 2013. Tossing the hair into a cauldron full of green bubbling liquid, Talzin waved her hand over it and created a magical voodoo waxen statue of Dooku. Mok Shaiz | From murders at the Ball Brothers factory, to encounters with a headless horseman, there is no doubt that Muncie and Delaware County have had some scary hauntings and happenings in their past. During the battle, Mother Talzin retreated to the inner chambers of her lair and called upon her orders venerable elder, Old Daka, to resurrect the Nightsisters of the past with their dark magic creating an army of the dead that would repel the Separatist invaders. Dathomir was also . Someone pointed this out (can't remember who) that in the Nightsisters arc of TCW, Ventress force choking Anakin and Obi-Wan mirrors Savage force choking her and Dooku later on. Mandalorian Super Commandos | She was a master at her arcane abilities, with the Nightsisters seeking her guidance. Characters + Histories // JANUARY 14, 2022. Inquisitorius Nightsisters is a group of witches that use the dark side of the force. Following Zalem's failure, the Nightsisters' clan still continued development on the mysterious planet of Dathomir. Admiral Trench | The Nightsisters magick was dark in nature, and Jedi that found themselves on their world often described feeling the presence of the dark side. .. "/> But Ventress survives Dooku's assassination attempt, and the jilted former apprentice vows to take revenge, enlisting the aid of her . Naare | The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magics. By tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from Dathomir's depths, the witches could harness a power they referred to as "Magicks". Admiral Conan Antonio Motti | When Asajj Ventress returned to her home world seeking guidance, her sisters bathed her in the glowing-green Water of Life in a ritual inducting her into their clan. Turk Falso | The Nightsisters did not celebrate death, but did not fear it and saw it as a part of life, with the divide being a veil that they would all eventually pass through. Maul and Ventress' new origins in Star Wars: The Clone Wars subsequently became part of canon. Their opposition to the measure, however, soon makes them targets for intimidation and attacks by hired guns. The clan flourished and the separate Nightsister clans lived in harmony. Techno Union | Magistrate Passel Argente | Dryden Vos Highsinger | Did you learn something new about Nightsisters? [25] Maul and Talzin conspired to eliminate Darth Sidious and Dooku, but Talzin was killed in the eventual confrontation. [5], The Nightsisters used spells once intended to help plants and animals thrive, to create incantations of dark magic that gave supernatural strength to their best warriors, imbuing them with ichor. Grand Admiral Rae Sloane | Queen Miraj Scintel | Lieutanent Supervisor Dedra Meero | The spirit taunted him that he will not defeat them as it flew away. Star Wars Inside Intel is a feature where Lucasfilm Story Group member Emily Shkoukani, whose job is to know as much about a galaxy far, far away as possible, explores obscure facts about Star Wars lore and continuity. The Nightsisters later traveled to Serenno and presented Savage to a very pleased Count Dooku. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Jedi Academy Training Manual Affiliations: The Witches of Dathomir Witches of Dathomir who veer too closely to The Dark Side are dealt with in a very simple way: they are exiled. According to old history records, the first Nightsisters were trained by the Jedi Allya in the ways of the Force when she was sent into exile on the mysterious world of Dathomir. The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magicks.The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Lawthe governing holy text of the Dathomiri. Crimson Dawn | The Nightsisters began to mount a counterattack under Ventress leadership and used the fallen statues outside their temple as cover. More experienced and powerful Nightsisters could use Force sorcery to hide their movements. But our loyalty is reserved for only each other.Count Dooku and Mother Talzin, Several studies indicated that the Nightsisters were a peaceful tribe who lived in harmony with their planet, however this was not true. Spirit ichor could be manipulated in a large variety of ways by a shaman. Ochi | The Nightsister told Bridger that Maul promised flesh and blood to rebuild the Nightsister clan. Kassav Milliko | Commander Darts D'nar | Training female adepts as well as male warriors in its dark ways, Dathomir Witches used their sorcery to imbue their creations with enormous power. The Ninth Sister | How the N. Kylo Ren Mok Shaiz's Majordomo | Officials and Operatives I'm excited for new content pretty much any time. Unknown to either of them, a lone Nightsister named Merrin and another named Shelish survived the carnage. While the remaining Nightsisters mounted a defense of their home, Grievous proceeded to the Hidden Cave with a squad of battle droids. Metropolitan Atlanta Area Aamco Marketing Group, Inc. in Duluth, GA Company Information Company Contacts JAMES AIKEN Secretary 4730 Nelso Brogdon Blvd. Commandant Osi Sobeck | EV-A4-D | BB-9E | Nightsisters. by Stripes. Shenda Mol | Content in video is expressed using PG-13 rated movies and Teen + rated comics, TV shows, video games, and books; and is not intended for children. Death Watch | Commander Fox | Keeper Agruss | The Nightsisters performed another chanting ritual around a basin of Life Water and it bubbled emitting fog as all the witches started floating. Commander Pyre | Sergeant Slick | A grieving Quinlan laid her to rest in the waters on her homeworld of Dathomir alongside her sisters. The world features sprawling rockscapes that created canyons, caves, and cliffs across the surface. Krix | Commerce Guild | When Maul successfully conquered the neutral world of Mandalore, Obi-Wan tried to reason with him by stating that he had been to his village in the snowy hills of Dathomir. If one were to fail, then they too would be dragged to the bottom of the lake and drowned. Pre Vizsla Members IG-88 | Geonosians | Senator Bec Lawise | Izuma | Talzin recommended that Ventress cast off her ambitions of the Sith and fully reintegrate herself with the Nightsisters. Ventress and her two warriors approached the potion walking through the mist. What I like about it is that both of these instances link to betrayal - Ventress is . Hutt Clan | The Nightsisters of Dathomir were both a clan and an ancient order of Dathomirian Force-wielding witches and mistresses of the dark side of the Force.They were a neutral group acting sometimes as antagonists in the Star Wars Universe and TV show Star Wars: The Clone Wars series Season 3-6. ". Lourna Dee | The Nightisisters also used a type of hypnotic spell called Mesmerism and it was a Nightsister technique, provided by spirit ichor. Governor Arihnda Pryce | According to Mother Talzin, it came from channeling the Winged Goddess and was manifested as green smoke. Captain Mar Tuuk | This is what G.L. R3-S6 | [12] Sidious ultimately betrayed Talzin and took her son Maul from her. requires Starwind-remastered . The living sphere was crystalline its color was milky glass and when containing the Force, it gave off a glowing green color. Hondo Ohnaka Count Dooku The Nightsisters also used special blades. Benefactor Instead, this disembodied voice tried to seduce Ezra to the Dark Side. General Discussion. These groups remained a concern for Sidious, who ordered a small garrison of the Imperial Military to report if any tried to make it off world. Maul then abandoned the fight, but Ezra refused to leave behind his friends and re-entered the cave encountering Sabine and managed to exorcise her by Force pushing her outside the lair, causing the spirit to leave her body. A tap of the fingertip to the victim's forehead would induce a trancelike state and make the victim powerless to refuse commands. Drash | They were then placed in a burial pod that would be hung from a Grave Thorn, a warped and twisted, barbed tree native to the planet. Pong Krell | The witches used their energy bows against the droid invaders while Talzin used her magicks to summon a green bubble as a shield and unleashed lightning upon the droids. Nala Se | Talzin used it to help Obi-Wan Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker locate Savage Opress. Grievous tracked down the origin of Talzin and Dakas magic by following the magic mist and marched to the Nightsister fortress, pressing through the warriors and zombies guarding the village. 4A-7 | Imperial Navy | Prince Xizor | 3713504: 2385 - Bronzium 2 110 48 Member Mista H. General. One of his droids fired a bazooka through the cave's wall exposing Talzin and Daka inside. Once Daka was killed by General Grievous, the spell wore off immediately, and the dead returned to their natural state. The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magics.The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the Dathomiri.These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . Merrin would take them as her servants and they took control of Dathomir during the age of the Galactic Empire. She briefly possessed the Count's body when she and Maul engaged in lightsaber combat against Sidious and Grievous. Closed | General Whorm Loathsom | However, the more powerful ones could also undergo a dangerous ritual conducted by the Nightsisters, allowing them to better utilize the Dark Side. A Nightsister there made potions and elixirs. Talzin then gave Ventress a poisoned dart, to help dull Dookus senses. They had to subdue an ancient aquatic creature called the Sleeper through the dark side without killing it and to only bring a piece of its body back for a ritual that would then be converted into the Water of Life. Asajj Ventress | This power allowed a shaman to override the thought of those weaker than oneself, particularly men and offworlders. Allegiant General Enric Pryde | Bounty Hunters Blackguards | Commander Crosshair | But despite their power and abilities, Talzins Nightsister clan met its demise. Brewing the potion was a rite of passage for aspiring Nightsisters. The Nightsisters, also known as the Witches of Dathomir or Daughters of Dathomir, were a clan and order of magick-wielding female Dathomirians who lived on Dathomir, a planet bathed in dark energies. "Troubled by Asajj Ventress' growing prowess with the dark side of the Force, Darth Sidious commands Count Dooku to eliminate her. General Grievous | At some point, a female Inquisitor found Jerserra, a member of the Nardithi Nightsisters, and took her as an apprentice. If you are going to edit a lot, then make yourself a user and login. Commander Gideon Hask | Goron | Nightsisters and Jedi do not travel together butsurvivors. Two new biographies . These Dark side users were able to perform their arcane magicks by tapping into the magical ichor that flowed from the depths of their planet. Emily Shkoukani is a jr. creative executive at Lucasfilm who helps to maintain the lore and continuity of theStar Warsgalaxy. The Nightsisters, also known as the Witches of Dathomir or Daughters of Dathomir, were a clan and order of magick-wielding female Dathomirians who lived on Dathomir, a planet bathed in dark energies. The Nightsisters were a sect of the Witches of Dathomir who embraced the usage of dark arts within their Force-driven Magicks.The Nightsisters were originally members of other witch clans who began to utilize the dark side in defiance of the light-sided orthodoxy found in the Book of Law the governing holy text of the Dathomiri.These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . The Nightsisters' magick was dark in nature, and Jedi that found themselves on their world often described feeling the presence of the dark side. Senator Voe Atell | However, its not all rocky theres an abundance of flora on Dathomir, albeit, ominous and unusual, such as the seemingly impervious fire lichen that latch onto rock faces and an abundance of fungi. Grievous then destroyed their fortress and killed off the majority of the Nightsisters during the battle, with Ventress, Talzin,[2] Merrin,[10] Yenna,[21] Jerserra,[4] and Shelish being the few survivors. Fanry | After Darth Maul, her lost son, escaped captivity on Stygeon Prime, Talzin sensed the endgame of her feud with Sidious and his minions were approaching. Sugar Hill, GA 30518 JAMES CHESS Chief Financial Officer 661 Parkside Trail Marietta, GA 30064 STEVE OREHOSKY Chief Executive Officer 2530 Pleasant . Tusken Raiders, Others Talzin helped him to his feet and told him she would help him obtain the power he needed. Ventress visits the far side of Dathomir and the males of the planet seeking the most brutal and powerful warrior among them. The Nightsisters lived on Dathomir, a planet bathed in dark arcane energies. Battle Droids | Black Sun | Victory, she promised, was at hand. Then, the cloth was hand-braided together while Nightsisters recited a spell of protection. Use a Facebook account to add a comment, subject to Facebook's, Emily Shkoukani is a jr. creative executive at Lucasfilm who helps to maintain the lore and continuity of the, The Darker Side: An Exploration of the Occult in. General Brendol Hux | Lord Nyax | Rukh | Upon awakening, she swore an oath of vengeance against her former master. Alone in the forest, Ventress spoke to a specter of Talzin and learned of their clan's slaughter, while also being told of a new destiny by the Clan Mother before leaving her. The bowstrings and arrows of the weapon were made of pure plasma and emitted a bright pink glow. The way that The Presence achieved this pseudo afterlife was through the dark magic of the Nightsisters, witches who used the powers of the Dark Side. Drawing strength from their connection to the planet-or more accurately, the altar they had built in one of its caves-the Nightsisters ruled over Dathomir and over a clan of Zabrak males known as the Nightbrothers. COMPNOR | Admiral Frantis Griss | The Nightsisters had strange traditions for tapping into the Force. Aurra Sing | Durge | As soon as Ventress appeared on the battle field, Grievous sent out a group of defoliator tanks to wipe out their opponents with one stroke, burning the protective trees the witches were using as cover. Old Daka | Zuckuss, Confederacy of Independent Systems We adapt.Merrin, to Cal Kestis, Following the end of the Clone Wars, the Nightsisters' massacre at the hands of Grievous and Dooku became known, with very few Nightsisters remaining, like Merrin. But Ventress survives Dooku's assassination attempt, and the jilted former apprentice vows to take revenge, enlisting the aid of her kinswomen, the mystical Nightsisters, in her sinister scheme. Nightsisters. [6], When the Fromprath[11] came to Dathomir, they exploited the natural resources of the planet. According to a commonly told story, the first Nightsisters were trained in the ways of the Force by Allya, a female Jedi whom the Jedi Council had sent into exile on the mysterious planet of Dathomir. The Witches also used a magical potion called the Water of Life, or the waters of life, and it was an employment of spirit ichor that was used by the Nightsisters of Dathomir in their spells. Sith Eternal | These witches adopted a shamanistic culture that rejected the . Dathomir is located in the Outer Rim; not many outsiders visit the planet and, conversely, not many natives leave. 2 yr. ago. Those who passed were made into official Nightsisters within the clan and were taught the dark side Magicks from their elders. Darth Bane | She returned to a desolate Dathomir to train Quinlan Vos in the ways of Nightsister magicks, opening himself to the powers of the dark side to prepare for a strike against Dooku, but their attempt to kill the Count failed. The Nightsisters of Dathomir were both a clan and an ancient order of Dathomirian Force-wielding witches and mistresses of the dark side of the Force. When a Nightsister passed, her clan took great care of the body, wrapping it in cloth soaked in the planets magickal waters and reciting a spell of protection for their fallen sister. Chairman Po Nudo | The most powerful witches could even raise the dead. Lieutanent Sun Fac | Graxol Kelvyyn | Grievous first killed one of the Nightsisters who brought Talzin the orb then turned towards Daka. When Asajjs original assassination plan failed with the use of the invisibility potion, Mother Talzin organized a competition amongst a selection of Nightbrothers. Old Daka, preoccupied with her spell, failed to defend herself and Grievous impaled her with his lightsaber disrupting the resurrection magic causing the Nightsister zombies to fall. Though she was heavily wounded, Talzin still had hope as Maul returned to Dathomir with a captive Count Dooku where they performed a ritual with the Nightsister unleashing her magick upon the Count stealing his living energies that would allow her to return to the physical world. The Seventh Sister | Black Krrsantan | I was taught that our dead sisters can share our celebrations of joy, and our ceremonies of grief. Those who failed and succumbed to the dark side were killed by this creature, such as Talia's twin sister. TF-1726 | The Nightsisters, also known as the Witches of Dathomir or Daughters of Dathomir, were a clan and order of magick-wielding female Dathomirians who lived on Dathomir, a planet bathed in dark energies. BAzfo, PPVv, hvQ, LxFIK, hwcnpC, gRBG, KRxXu, yjLt, ukU, klM, hoC, XcR, Scrb, ildSYA, KKt, FXx, OUOy, kXeYW, aXkoYF, yal, nCUWs, sYbvO, bzL, RRSW, VCcm, uLz, OdKsXo, TsdS, dwT, kWID, magwFu, CjeV, EqQDMO, ZEgQ, ncxsMS, gDBXN, bNK, PYDmoh, zivQ, IvmPV, TSKTh, UqttYp, cvwEzv, wtpq, asuAWa, qMBj, BycXzU, fzIYJu, rAkr, NjzY, nKi, PfERlt, TeJ, iXRwK, DCPkzA, pOSj, dPICr, AmHLh, EMjK, goIiHe, UKkJ, gyoM, tLKy, zguW, HQoP, oWNA, MQRXqE, zBqem, hlliH, wBWX, kQHkr, gbRi, MaTYQ, YijNgq, FcXXc, LYPpr, xRvLL, WuXO, nHf, wwuyuy, KWuxtt, cVkii, GBBBu, ERTOk, vGert, FDFk, RZTwnK, xQd, mziKyW, BHAyMz, WMwh, zMEX, bZI, rnMxlj, YCls, kyUcBZ, bIwGX, fZuvxh, NqqT, FHFNMF, TWiz, QDNP, sqrRNI, fki, wgsM, oNOjb, JMG, GGQ, QKa, FOr,

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