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Basic API Routes; API routes support dynamic routes, and follow the same file naming rules used for pages.. For example, the API route pages/api/post/[pid].js has the following code:. Next.js has the preview mode for statically generated pages. You restart your nextjs server again. Basic API Routes; API Routes with GraphQL; API Routes with REST; API Routes with CORS; API routes provide a solution to build your API with Next.js.. Any file inside the folder pages/api is mapped to /api/* and will be treated as an API endpoint instead of a page.They are server-side only bundles and won't increase your client-side bundle size. Learn more by reading the app/ directory (beta) Source Maps are enabled by default during development. You use the middleware to change the response of requests and redirect the user from one route to another route. end (` Post: ${pid} `)}. We focus on clientele satisfaction. In Next.js 13, you can start using the app/ directory (beta) to take advantage of streaming server-rendering. dynamic() can't be used inside of React rendering as it needs to be marked in the top level of the module for preloading to work, similar to React.lazy. Middleware comes with many opportunities for the developer. Routing. However, using the native