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At the very bottom were the Numbers, the conquered peoples who lived in segregated ghettos. Police Force: Police organization that have their own Police Knightmares. Headquarters Since not reforming will kneecap your immigration hopes, you can't really hope to rely on your industrial score to boost your stats enough to break into GP status. The green leaves that comprise the mantling are both colors, which is a breach of the rule that color may only meet metal. Britannian corporations are described as Zaibatsu in Japanese, referring to powerful business cliques. It can be regarded as a political institution, or approached from the point of view of political theory, or treated in the context of the history of Christendom as the secular counterpart of a world religion. Lelouch returns to Ashford Academy while C.C. The Holy Britannian Empire, also refereed to as the Britannian Empire or just Britannia, is a nationstate . It seems that Britannia's most important overseas possessions were in North America. The Holy Roman Empire was located in western and central Europe and included parts of what is now France, Germany, and Italy. In reality however, Clovis only did this as the same mysterious man from before held him at gunpoint and revealed himself to be Lelouch vi Britannia, the exiled 11th Prince and 17th in line to the imperial throne who aided the rebels to get revenge on Britannia for abandoning him and his sister Nunally and to create a perfect world for his sister free of war and violence. The empire ignored the statement, to the criticism of many around the world. Britannia had emerged on the world stage with one-third of the world's territory and population under its banner and the geographic makeup of the world as a result of the three superpowers made it very akin to that of the clut-classic novel, Nightneen Eighty-Four, by George Orwell. The Chinese Federation began their activities noted by the Britannian Homeland. The four Chivalric Orders of Euro Britannia are named after the Abrahamic archangels, and a figure in a bishop's robes is seen at Shin Hyuga Shaing 's succession ceremony. The Britannian Empire's armed forces are the standing military, airforce, navy, and special departments dedicated to defending Britannia's land and interests at home and abroad. Advanced forms of communication are present such as modern cellphones, ear pieces, computers, television and the internet among other technological devices. which is refer to the United Kingdom of Great Britain, Ireland and Canada before the Acts of Union in 1806 when Britannia unified all the lands of North America, Central America and Northern region of South America. was a nation born from the defeated remnants of the British Empire and was the world's dominant military superpower that ruled over one-third of the world and one of the large Empire-unions that control Earth initially in the early 21st Century, the others being the Chinese Federation, the Europia United, and later United Federation of Nations. Helmsley stood in opposition of the House of Lords on the issue of demoting Area 8 to a correctional sub-Area, as had happened to Area 11 following the First Black Rebellion. I am an admin of this site. In the light novels, a "Lord President" position is mentioned in the Homeland, but it it unknown how much authority it wields. in Area 11. Following conquest, an Area gradually progresses through these areas and gains greater degrees of autonomy with it, though, in the case of a serious setback such as a popular uprising, an Area may be demoted as Area 11 was following the First Black Rebellion. The Holy Britannian Empire, also known as Britannia for short, is an Empire nation located in North America. Other palaces include the Imperial Villa at Aries, the residence of Lelouch's mother prior to her assassination which was known for its luxorious and beaufiul gardens which was recreated by Clovis at the Viceroy Palace in Area 11 during his time as viceroy of the country. The Royal Britannian Knights overlook provinces that divide up the homeland. By convention, the Queen respects the Lord Chancellor's decisions of government. The capital is Pendragon, which is home to the Imperial Britannian Palace. The resulting Holy Britannian Empire, while geographically centered in the area of the real-world United States and descended from the real-world British Empire, is analogous to neither of these political entities, instead being an odd mix of North American Tories (pro-British colonials, or loyalists, from the Revolutionary era) and imperial British aristocrats. During the chaos, a mysterious man on a walkie talkie begins to help the resistance and manages to steal then Sutherlands to use against the enemy forces. The national ethos and mentality soon became Social Darwinism and became the de-facto ideology of the entire empire to the point where it became a de-facto state religion and Charles Darwin is seen being refered to as Saint Darwin and the subjugation and oppression of non-Britannians was justified as a result of this ideology. As this is a fantasy flag and accompanying coat of arms, some liberties have been taken with the heraldic rules. While not being part of the three superpowers, Japan was able to maintain its independence and economic superiority by manipulating sakuradite supplies to each of the three superpowers to maintain a balance of power; essentially, if any one superpower tried to invade Japan and seize its sakuradite reserves, it would give them such an advantage that the other two powers would have to attack it instantly or risk annihilation. Indeed, as there is a Crown Prince or Heir Apparent in Odysseus, this will be the general principle followed. Right when victory was in sight, Zero ordered the activation of numerous bombs and instigated an artificial land slide which engulfed the mountain and wiped out most of the JLF and Britannian forces and isolated Cornelia. As the weeks followed, the Britannians are confronted with the formation of the United Federationof Nations, splitting the world into two major powers and a major conflict spring up in various fronts with only Japan the tipping points. (Free Shipping! When they're not in armour, army officers and soldiers wear blue uniforms. . She and Lelouch (Zero) declares war against Charles' nation. armed Damocles, the entire military network becomes disorganized and thus rendering all military forces around Britannia to engage the Black Knights all over the world with the exception of the invasion force send by Lelouch to take back Japan. The Knights of the Round or formerly known as the 12 Horsemen is a unit of twelve elite knights in Britannia, each being assigned into a group of royalty and under direct command of the Emperor. Forum: Alternate History Discussion: Before 1900. Hon, Sir Mark Thatcher, leader of the Conservative Party, heads a coalition with the UK's third party, the Liberal Democrats. California Base may be analogous to real-world San Francisco, San Diego, or another major coastal city in the real California. A major reason as to why the war ended so abruptly was the apparent suicide of the Japanese Prime Minister, Genbu Kururugi ( in actuality he was murdered by his son, Suzaku). Despite Cornelia's efforts, the Britannians couldnot stop the Black Knights from growing in strong numbers. Despite being a 'holy' empire, religion does not seem to be a governing factor in Britannian society. The Holy Britannian Empire is the successor state and descendent of the original British Empire that fell centuries ago. ", after the Britannic Salute. After the Britannian forces fall back, Lelouch has one of the Yamato Alliance members activate a beacon in his Sutherland to lure out Britannian forces to make an opening for Lelouch to use to get close to Cornelia but, she had her royal guard kill him instead and this lead to Lelouch's forces being wiped out one by one until the Yamato Alliance was eventually destroyed. It is also unclear what effect the Viking and Norman invasions during the Middle Ages had on the British Isles in Code Geass, or if they occurred at all. The money is put throughout the nation, and generally goes back to the people in the form of education and healthcare. Just as each sector is given a number, the natives of the region are referred to by the same number. He found out Japan has been taking over by Britannians. This title, however, was not used by Otto IIs predecessors, from Charlemagne (or Charles I) to Otto I, who simply employed the phrase imperator augustus (august emperor) without any territorial adjunct. Many Non-Britannians find this very offensive, and the Empire uses it as a form of cultural suppression. Refugees fled from Japan to China and the E.U. The Area of Texas as a region within Britannia is not known; it may comprise the area of modern Texas, or a larger or smaller area as it did historically. Despite its name, the Holy Roman Empire only briefly controlled Rome, and was located in Germany. Lower nobility controls much of the business and bureaucracy outside the Royal Family, and judging by the number of legal and illegal businesses that appear in occupied areas, capitalism is widely encouraged. Britannia had one-third of the entire world under its banner having all of the Americas following the invasion and anexxation of Japan, it was renamed Area 11 and are instead member states of the Europia United. Weapons, fuel, and aluminum are bought from foreign nations. The general Britannian policy is to let each Area govern itself. The Holy Britannian Empire, also known as Britannia for short, is an Empire nation located in North America. He then revealed a cannister (one similiar to the one that held C.C. Opposing his regime are the Imperial Family who have lost their power after he assumed the throne and stripped them of their nobility, and Knights of the Round, who are loyal to Charles. The Britannian Air Force use VTOL Gunships and Knightmare VTOL as well as large Hover Ships such as Great Britannia and Avalon. Politics and War Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Although they were created to protect the Emperor, they serve as the covert operations force of Britannia. The HBE's three major political parties are the Conservative Party, the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats. and presumably grew in size following the collapse of the Europia United in 2018 a.t.b. Shamna | Shalio | Bolvona Forgnar | Shesthaal Forgnar | Swaile Qujappat | Belq Batoum Bitool, Other The small population of "Britannian" nobles had reached a critical low point, having a very small core population, but were determined to rebuild their former power in North America, and began an aggressive campaign of conquest. Holy Britannian Empire - IMAGINARY COUNTRY -From "Code Geass" anime serieNATIONAL ANTHEM: "All Hail Britannia"music: Nakagawa Koutaroulyrics: Damian Broomhead- CREDITS -CC: Banaspa. As a result of the seizure of the throne, riots broke out over Lelouch's policies, creating a strong resentment amongst the Britannian population. Alliances are NOT equal. Britannia has 6 Duchy states across the North America, Central America and the Western Europe and 2 federal districts of Virginia D.C. and Londonium D.V. The Japanese were re-branded as "Elevens" and large Britannian settlements populated the entire country while the war-torn and destroyed pre-war cities were reduced to ghettos where unemployed Elevens were forced into while the rest became Honorary Britannians and fought on behalf of the empire and Britannian citizens came to Area 11 and populated its cities and landscapes. Zero ran right into Cornelia and had her pinned when Ashforc Academy Student Shirley Fennet showed up and threw Lelouch off and left him open to attack by Suzaku. Whilst it is possible and even encouraged by Emperor Charles for royals to succeed to the imperial throne by killing all co-competitors, it is never indicated that other monarchs do not style themselves as "N. the Xth, by the Grace of God, Emperor []" and do not adhere to the principle of male primogeniture (i.e., the eldest child succeeds, sons taking precedence before all daughters) as was the ancient custom in the realms of Great Britain (England and Scotland plus the Lordship of Ireland). The Upper House is the House of Lords, which likely represents the interests of the aristocrats, while the Lower House is the Senate, and the Senators may be drawn from their State Legislatures. Early in the first season, Area 18 is conquered by Britannia, while many more Areas are conquered during the course of R2, though none of them are designated. Foundation No other areas are designated beyond Area 18. Ryo Sayama | Ayano Kosaka | Yukiya Naruse, Kingdom of Zilkhstan The subjugation and oppression of non-Britannians became a systematically applied set of negative virtues, which brought about the act of Britannia "reforming itself along Prussian lines" as the society became almost entirely dedicated to the military effort and further conquests. During the time of the colonization of Japan, Lelouch vi Britannia, a former 17th Prince of the Holy Britannian Empire, plotted to take up arms against the superpower. Rimuru Tempest, formerly known as Mikami Satoru, is the main protagonist of Tensei Shitara Slime Datta Ken; He is the founder and King of the Monster Country; Also known as the "Tempest of the Great Jura Forest," he is regarded as one of the strongest Demon Lords. The Imperial/Royal family aren't allowed to be celebrities outside of their professional career. came disguised as Zero in and gave Lelouch an opportunity to escape and he did so and after meeting with her, he vowed to raise an army strong enough to bring down Britannia. He announces that Britannia intends to join the U.F.N. Main article: Imperial Duchy of Ashfordia, Imperial Duchy of Ashfordia is a duchy state located in central of North America, which was annexed by the Spanish Empire back when the first era of the colonial period. During the Counterattack at the Gallows Guildford says he will kill the Japanese captured during the first battle of Tokyo but Lelouch challenges him to a duel and using the same trap as during the first battle for Tokyo freed the prisoners. ; Token Good Teammate: Of sorts - Lelouch includes him among his mental list of siblings who might . and the annexation of Western European countries. Upon reaching 18 citizens must join the Britannian reserves. Benjamin Franklin betrayed the Revolutionaries in exchange for the title of earl. These supplies are also stockpiled at a standard and contain an emergency stockpile. However, it is not explicitly stated what parts of North and South America make up the Britannian Homeland; it could form North America, or just the original colonies, or the whole of the Americas. The Holy Britannian Empire is an alliance on the Blue team in Cyber Nations: Tournament Edition. The term Roman emperor is older, dating from Otto II (died 983). This exception does not occur in reality where it concerns the mantling. and fell to the wrath of the Britannian war-machine. It is led by Charles zi Britannia, Emperor of the Holy Britannian Empire. Aided by C.C, and utilizing his Geass, Lelouch, under the disguise as Zero, rose up to oppose the rule, joined by the resistance cells in Shinjuku, Japan Liberation Front, and other Japanese resistance cell branches in Japan to form the Order of the Black Knights with the Kyto House providing financial and logistic support to the organization. The state of Idaho and its capital Boise exist, as the noble Hexenhaus Family has territory and lives there. In the history of Code Geass, George Washington and the Continental Army failed to wrestle control of the Thirteen Colonies from Britannia. Sutherlands, Tanks, and VTOL Gunships move in and begin destroying the ghetto as the outnumbered and out-gunned resistance forces put up a desperate last stand defense against the Britannians as they destroy the ghetto and claim that it's urban renewal to the homeland. Charles zi Britannia | Marianne vi Britannia | V.V. Sometime after the Battle of Narita, the Japan Liberation Front had sustained heavy losses from the battle with their headquarters gone and most of their personal having been wiped out. The ghetto leaders were gunned down and the residents were soon attacked and slaughtered one by one by orders of Cornelia to lure out Zero if he were present. | Lelouch vi Britannia | Clovis la Britannia | Cornelia li Britannia | Schneizel el Britannia | Guinevere de Britannia | Carine ne Britannia | Marrybell mel Britannia, Britannian Military Mt.Fuji district isn't considered a colony but rather Imperial Property. Traditionally believed to have been established by Charlemagne, who was crowned emperor by Pope Leo III in 800, the empire lasted until the renunciation of the imperial title by Francis II in 1806. Not wanting to waste any more time, Zero/Lelouch used his Geass on Jeremiah and had him release Suzaku and hand him over to Zero and the rebels. The Holy Britannian Empire is a nation born from the ashes of the British Empire. Schneizel, as Prime Minister, by default, controls all administrative and managerial aspects of Britannia; despite not being the eldest son, he has the highest office apart from the Emperor, although it is unknown if he is in charge of either the House of Lords or the Senate, or possibly both. Two capitals divided in several occasions, Londonium D.V were counted as a capital when it holds out for the ceremonial and juriscial moments. In an alternative timeline, the world is divided into three superpowers (similar to the world of Nineteen Eighty-Four by George Orwell ): the Holy Britannian Empire (the Americas; also called Britannia), the Chinese Federation (Asia), and the Europa United (Europe and Africa). With the aristocracy dominating the House of Lords, the Senate represents the common people. Over time, the EU would grow to encompass all of Europe, including the whole of Russia, and Africa, and would for centuries be the bitter enemy of Elizabeth III's followers in North America. An Area is a nation or group of nations that has been conquered by Britannia and made into a colony. After being pushed to the edge of oblivion, the Britannians now saw international politics as a fight for survival, and rapidly rebuilt themselves into a world power by dominating the rest of the Americas. She still has Suzaku as her knight. The ship was soon destroyed and killed all personal on board thus, ending the JLF and crippling the Britannian forces and the Black Knights soon arrived and ambushed the Britannian forces in order to capture Cornelia again. The Emperor's Guard: A highly trained royal guard dedicated to protecting the Emperor. Imperial Duchy of West Saxon is only a duchy state in Europe, which is its capital is in Edinburgh, which is annexed by Britannia when the Terror Napoleon War began in 1825. This led to a rift among Britannian citizens with discontent among ex-nobles and approval among the commoners, causing agents and loyalists to Lelouch to routinely set out to put down dissidents. The lord chancellor chooses a cabinet and they are formally appointed by the monarch to form Her Imperial & Royal Majesty's Government. Of the three theories the last was the least important; it was evidently directed against the pope, whose constitutive role it implicitly denied, but it was also a specifically Italian reaction against the predominance in practice of Frankish and German elements. The use of infantry within Britannia is fairly unknown, and only a few times these soldiers were deployed. Also, it holds the title of the world's richest country and holds the biggest territory across the world. Inadequate Inheritor: Pretty much everyone agrees he is not fit to hold the throne. Though Japan had been militarily defeated, it had not completely surrendered and was prepared to mount a do-or-die resistance against Britannia; ironically, this meant that Britannia had never actually broken Japan or even really demoralized its population beyond hope, and its industrial and economic capacities were never completely destroyed. These characteristics result in resentment for the Britannians developing, especially among Numbers.

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