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dada-and-surrealism 1/3 Downloaded from on October 31, 2022 by guest . She may be inflated into a lewd monster, or she may dwindle into a mere palpitation that seeks to reinvent the nature of movement - a grotesque gasp of breath. "Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production." Dada. As part of Club Dada in Berlin, Hoch unabashedly critiqued German culture by literally slicing apart its imagery and reassembling it into vivid, disjointed, emotional depictions of modern life. There are many important Dada artists. Silver gelatine print - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. If the letters are pronounced as they would be by a native French speaker, it would sound as if one were saying "Elle a chaud au cul," which loosely translates as "She has a hot ass." Though Duchamp was not a Surrealist, he helped to curate exhibitions in New York that showcased both Dada and Surrealist works. In 1920 Hausmann and Huelsenbeck give a lecture tour in Dresden, Hamburg, Leipzig, and Prague. Dust Breeding is an important early example of collaboration in Surrealism; where two artists utilized the combination of imagery to defy literal presentation and concoct an all-together new piece in which one media interrogates and challenges another. The art of the movement spanned visual, literary, and sound media, including collage, sound poetry, cut-up writing, and sculpture. In 1917 he submitted Fountain to the Society of Independent Artists show. Francis Pica (1879 - 1953) was a French painter, poet, and typographic, associated with Cubism, Abstract art, Dada and Surrealism. Ink, graphite, and cut-and-pasted painted and printed papers on paperboard - Alfred Stieglitz Collection, Ball designed this costume for his performance of the sound-poem, "Karawane," in which nonsensical syllables uttered in patterns created rhythm and emotion, but nothing resembling any known language. Dada (/dd/) or Dadaism was an art movement of the European avant-garde in the early 20th century, with early centers in Zrich, Switzerland, at the Cabaret Voltaire (circa 1916); New York Dada began circa 1915, and after 1920 Dada flourished in Paris. But as the name of a movement it really means nothing at all. Artists such as Max Ernst and Hannah Hch used scissors and glue to cut up found (and occasionally original) photographs from a number of sources and reassemble them, using contrast and juxtaposition to emphasize their message. Duchamp, Boite-en-valise (the red box), series F. Duchamp, The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (The Large Glass) Marcel Duchamp and the Viewer. Dora Maar is often better known for being the muse and lover of Pablo Picasso. There is no consensus on the origin of the movement's name; a common story is that the German artist Richard Huelsenbeck slid a paper knife (letter-opener) at random into a dictionary, where it landed on "dada", a colloquial French term for a hobby horse. The Swiss group considered Marcel Duchamp's readymades to be Dada artworks, and they appreciated Duchamp's humor and refusal to define art. In 1922, he published a work called Champs Delicieux, where a text by the dada poet Tristan Tzara was accompanied by a series of his "Rayographs." This work is a classic example of Dada irreverence towards traditional art. true Dal was influenced by this post-impressionist in his painting Cadaques. (Elkins, 145), As an artistic revolution the Dada movement completely changed the outlook of contemporary art form since it introduced a number of new aesthetics, techniques and also styles. A "Congress of the Constructivists", for example, was held in Weimar in October of 1922, which was attended by a number of the German Dadaists and in 1924, Breton published the Surrealist manifesto after which many of the remaining Dadaists joined that movement. Maar's image is titled after the antihero of Alfred Jarry's play Ubu Roi (1896), a proto-Surrealist work that celebrated the absurd and the psychological. ", "Photographers, operating within the terms of the Surrealist sensibility, suggest the vanity of even trying to understand the world and instead propose that we collect it. In 1920, one such exhibit was closed down by the police. Submissions are encouraged from scholars in Art History, Literature, Film Studies, Theater Arts, and a variety of other disciplines. A line of poetry is a chance to get rid of all the filth that clings to this accursed language, as if put there by stockbrokers' hands, hands worn smooth by coins. Several artists were members of both groups, including Picabia, Arp, and Ernst since their works acted as a catalyst in ushering in an art based on a relaxation of conscious control over art production. In some ways this is surprising, but it is also easy to see why photography was not an immediately obvious choice for many Surrealists. I also wore a high, blue-and-white-striped witch doctor's hat. A number of Surrealist photographs were taken of everyday places, people, and items, but were cropped or staged in such a way as to force the viewer to question their perception of reality. The lens tracks the eyes, the mouth, the wrinkles skin deep the expression on the face is fierce, sometimes tragic. . with Surrealism. The books and articles below constitute a bibliography of the sources used in the writing of this page. Chance was used to embrace the random and the accidental as a way to release creativity from rational control, with Arp being one of the earliest and best-known practitioners. Surrealism Examples benjamm22 Surrealism Project Jime Wimmer Surrealism Juan Carlos Ceguerra Surrealism lillianc22 Surrealism guest948987 Similar to Surrealism & Dada (20) KCC Art 211 Ch 22 Between The Wars Kelly Parker Surrealism final SarahCaruso Surrealism final SarahCaruso Art styles Joey Richard Dio Modern Arts Vi-Ann Javil Surrealism However, Bellmer was not closely connected with the group until 1938, when the changing political situation in Germany forced him to flee to Paris, where Andre Breton welcomed him. Like Zrich during the war, New York City was a refuge for writers and artists. Below are 10 iconic artworks that characterize this postwar art movement. Surrealism was born in Paris, France, and this remained the main hub for the movement throughout the '20s and '30s. Exquisite Corpse was a Surrealist game developed in the 1920s, in which sentences or drawings were created by a group of people - each person unaware of what previous players had written or drawn. Dublin: Prentice Hall, 1996. We will write a custom Essay on Dada and Surrealism Movement specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page His readymades included a humorous and cheap reproduction of Mona Lisa with a mustache and goatee, the fountain and a bottle rack. Tzara went on to publish more than fifty books; he wrote one of the great poems of surrealism; he became a Apparently, this technique arose when Arp became frustrated by attempts to compose more formal geometric arrangements. The woman, with her exaggerated screaming mouth, is both erotic and highly disturbing; with a nightmarish quality that connotes the Surrealist interest in dreams. Examples of Dadaism Dadaism mainly cultivated poetry , sculpture, music and painting. Surrealism, movement in visual art and literature, flourishing in Europe between World Wars I and II. The hand-held mirror has only been held away from the face for a minute, during the moment of capture, before it reappears for the stereotypically feminine task of self-inspection. painting, puppetry, photography, body art, and performance art. He wrote: "The Dada spirit really only existed between 1913 and 1918 . Recognizable faces include Marx and Lenin, Pola Negri, and Kathe Kollwitz. The Guardian Weekly (UK) / . StudyCorgi. Ernst's use of photomontage was less political and more poetic than those of other German Dadaists, creating images based on random associations of juxtaposed images. The Persistence of Memory is easily the most famous surrealist painting ever produced, as an image it has been reproduced millions of times on prints, posters, and t-shirts. This might involve adding a graphic detail to a print before re-photographing it, such as in Man Ray's famous work Le Violon d'Ingres (1924), where he doctored the image in order to distort our understanding of the picture plane and of the photographic process. The "Erste Internationale Dada-Messe" was held in June. By removing the urinal from its everyday environment and placing it in an art context, Duchamp was questioning basic definitions of art as well as the role of the artist in creating it. Tzara described these early photographs in a way that emphasizes their instability and uncertainty: "Is it a spiral of water in the tragic gleam of a revolver, an egg, a glistening arc or the floodgate of reason, a keen ear attuned to a mineral hiss, or a turbine of algebraic formulas?" Switzerland, the birthplace of Dadaism, was neutral during the First World War and had limited censorship rules. As Christian Bouqueret argues in his monograph on Surrealist Photography, "with the exception of Jacques-Andre Boiffard [] no photographers were directly involved. 3. For example, Alexander Sacharoff (1886-1963) was a dancer, painter, and choreographer; Emmy Hennings was a cabaret performer and poet; Sophie Taeuber was a dancer . Due to this practical need for photography, there was also a growing response from artists both within and outside the movement to develop photography as a Surrealist art form. Dada was anti-aesthetic, anti-rational and anti-idealistic. Dada also had a profound influence on graphic design and the field of advertising with their use of collage. The essay explores dada and surrealism. The app does not contain any ads and we do not get money from this project at all. Their anti-authoritarian stance made for a protean movement as they opposed any form of group leadership or guiding ideology. The Dada movement . (2021, December 8). In fact, the embrace of the readymade is key to Dada's use of irony as it shows an awareness that nothing has intrinsic value. Dadaists did not self-consciously declare micro-regional movements; the spread of Dada throughout various European cities and into New York can be attributed to a few key artists, and each city in turn influenced the aesthetics of their respective Dada groups. . ", "The beginnings of Dada, were not the beginnings of art, but of disgust. 1. The intermingling spaces, objects, and tones of black simultaneously merge and disjoint the photograph. Dada and Surrealism: A Very Short Introduction (Very Short Introductions #105), David Hopkins. The special access that photography has to this experience is its privileged connection to the real. 2022 The Art Story Foundation. It attempted to create a new kind of art that was valued primarily for its conceptual properties rather than focusing on aesthetics or literal documentation. "Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production." Although the images in this series are of nude women, in many examples, such as Distortion #51, the figure's nudity is both sexual and anti-sexual due to deformation. . Nevertheless, his work accords closely with Surrealist principles. It is a photograph taken by Man Ray of Marcel Duchamp's masterpiece The Bride Stripped Bare by Her Bachelors, Even (1915-1923) after it had sat for three years gathering dust in Duchamp's studio. Meret Oppenheim, Object (Fur-covered cup, saucer, and spoon) Marcel Duchamp and the Viewer Hannah Hch, Cut with the Kitchen Knife Dada Through the Last Weimar Beer Belly Cultural Epoch of Germany Dada's "Approximate Man": A Portrait of Tristan Tzara by Marcel Janco About modern art. In post-WWI Germany and Paris, a ground-breaking practice of photography emerged, inspired by Dada's improvisational practices and the Surrealist's foray into the unconscious, dream, and fantasy realms. He began to explore the potential in many photographic techniques, including the photogram - an image produced without a camera. Knife Miss Fork (1 931), Shades Headway's the Blind Owl (1 937), and Bretons Sure la route De San Romano (1948). Add to wishlist Delete from wishlist. The work of French poets, Italian Futurists and the German Expressionists would influence Dada's rejection of the tight correlation between words and meaning. Duchamp transformed a cheap postcard of the Mona Lisa (1517) painting, which had only recently been returned to the Louvre after it was stolen in 1911. (Documents, 2001) Dada, however, was not intended to be a new art movement. But it is a good illustration of our relationship to the world: we have at our disposal modern techniques for seeing everything, apprehending everything, yet we see nothing. Anarchist movement that challenged traditional perceptions of art as well as provoked a reexamination of social and moral values. Although it began during the First World War, it reached its peak between 1916 and 1922. 8 December. In his Merzpictures, which have been called "psychological collages," he arranged found objects - usually detritus - in simple compositions that transformed trash into beautiful works of art. Each group varied slightly in their focus, with the Berlin group being the most anti-government and the New York group being the most anti-art. Commissioned by Le Sourire, a risqu magazine, the images combined sexuality and dream-like metamorphosis through Kertesz's capturing of a warped reality. October 2004, By Angie Kordic / November 2, 2015 / Widewalls. By borrowing methods from the magazine and newspaper industry, these artists were turning their work into "advertisements" of the individual artist's mind. The photograph was originally published with the caption "view from an aeroplane," pointing to the way in which our understanding of a photographic image is dependent on its linguistic context. Duchamps fountain Marcel Duchamp's Nude Descending a Staircase shows the influence of Cubism. In The Chinese Nightingale, for example, the arms and fan of an oriental dancer act as the limbs and headdress of a creature whose body is an English bomb. The initial goal of both the Dada and the Surrealist movements were far away from being related to art as they were chiefly political and both tried to put an end to everything which was viewed as civilized. Picabia's travels helped tie New York, Zrich and Paris groups together during the Dadaist period. Closer to a war zone, the Berlin Dadaists came out publicly against the Weimar Republic and their art was more political: satirical paintings and collages that featured wartime imagery, government figures, and political cartoon clippings recontextualized into biting commentaries. chairs pulled out projectiles crash bang expected effect atrocious and instinctive . The Surrealists discovered that normality was not necessarily a fixed concept, and that reality was entirely determined by perception. Many of these photographers focused on presenting images grounded in reality but which challenged perception, or tricked the eye of the viewer into seeing what lay beneath, forcing a sense of distorted reality. This is one of Atget's more playful images that he created toward the end of his life, though prototypical of his iconic, continual series of mannequins in storefront windows. All Rights Reserved, Dal and The Surrealists - Master Marketers, Gaga for Dada: The Original Art Rebels (2016), Dada Art Movement History - "Dada on Tour", Europe after the Rain: Dadaism and Surrealism (1978), WWI, Cabaret Voltaire & the beginnings of Dada, Dada: Zrich, Berlin, Hannover, Cologne, New York, Paris, The Dada Painters and Poets: An Anthology, Second Edition (Paperbacks in Art History), No Nonsense about Dada - Review of MoMA Exhibition, So intent were members of Dada on opposing all norms of bourgeois culture that the group was barely in favor of itself: "Dada is anti-Dada," they often cried. Art must be unaesthetic in the extreme, useless, and impossible to justify." Proponents of the movement, which was as prominent, if not more, in the realm of visual arts as in literature, were fascinated by the idea that one could tap into . Almost every underlying postmodern theory in visual and written art as well as in music and drama was invented or at least utilized by Dada artists: art as performance, the overlapping of art with everyday life, the use of popular culture, audience participation, the interest in non-Western forms of art, the embrace of the absurd, and the use of chance. Surrealism. Man Ray, who was already an established member of the Dada movement, arrived in Paris in 1921, where he soon began to collaborate with artists, including Marcel Duchamp, and to experiment with photography. The group's founding in the Cabaret Voltaire in Zrich was appropriate: the Cabaret was named after the 18. Learn more about our exhibitions, news, programs, and special offers. The aim of Dada art and activities was both to help to stop the war and to vent frustration with the nationalist and bourgeois conventions that had led to it. StudyCorgi. Soon after this, Tzara traveled to Paris, where he met Andr Breton and began formulating the theories that Breton would eventually put together in Surrealism. The National Gallery of Art serves the nation by welcoming all people to explore and experience art, creativity, and our shared humanity. The implication is that, for men (and for the Surrealists in particular), women did not exist as real people, but simply as fantasy objects. World Socialist Web Site / The name, plucked from a dictionary in Zurich in 1916, means rocking horse in French or yes yes in Romanian and Russian. In 1919 Tzara left Zrich for Paris and Arp arrived there from Cologne the next year; a "Dada festival" took place in May 1920 after many of the originators of the movement had converged there. Dadaism is a form of anti-art, intending to draw attention and contemplation to the importance of art in society. Students will view exemplars of historical works of art in which the artist has used randomness as a theme. These include Jean Arp and Andr Masson's "automatic drawings," Paul Klee and Joan Mir's semi-automatic works, Max Ernst's frottages (rubbing) and grattages (scraping), and Oscar Dominguez's decalcomania (blotting). Dadaists believed existed an oppressive intellectual rigidity in both art and everyday society; its works were characterized . Hannah Hooch (1889 - 1978) was a German Dada artist. Of all the groups, the Hannover group was likely the most conservative. The Dada movement was established in Germany after World War I. Retrieved from, StudyCorgi. In this way, Maar suggested that the armadillo could be compared to human nature: bestial, compelling, and yet repulsive. He very much enjoyed going against convention and re-defining himself to work in new ways a number of times over a career that spanned over 45 years. Interestingly, the image is signed "Moore," referring to Claude Cahun's lifelong partner Marcel Moore (born Suzanne Malherbe). In most regards they are two significantly different movements, even though many Dada artists became surrealists, such as Max Ernst. Ball's strange costume is meant to further distance him from his audience and his everyday surroundings, making his speech even more foreign and exotic. (2021) 'Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production'. However, she was, first and foremost, a talented artist in her own right who took to photography for both artistic and political reasons. The purpose of this essay is to figure out the historical context of Dada formation as well as to dwell upon the main idea behind Surrealism art. Paris Dada published a counter-attack under the direction of Tzara. ArtSpots is a non-profit and 100% community-driven project. Five hundred art critics chose which piece of art as the most influential of the twentieth century? ", Silver gelatin print - Getty Museum, Los Angeles. StudyCorgi, 8 Dec. 2021, Other times, they emphasized the artist's intent, by presenting familiar images unlatched from their usual context, inviting new perspectives of the ordinary. Artists painted unnerving, illogical scenes, sometimes with photographic precision, creating strange creatures from everyday objects, and developing painting techniques that allowed the unconscious to express itself. ", "Every word that is spoken and sung here (the Cabaret Voltaire) represents at least this one thing: that this humiliating age has not succeeded in winning our respect. The drawing is one of a series of mechanistic portraits and imagery created by Picabia that, ironically, do not celebrate modernity or progress, but, like similar mechanistic works by Duchamp, show that such subject matter could provide an alternative to traditional artistic symbolism. Though one of Hch's earliest works, this ambitious collage is unusual within her canon for being particularly large; it measures 35 x 57 inches. Dadaism, Surrealism, & Cubism. It is best known for its visual artworks and writings. December 8, 2021. Those who were present from the beginning in addition to Ball and Hennings were Hans Arp, Tristan Tzara, Marcel Janco, and Richard Huelsenbeck. If you need pictures and stuff, here is the download to a media package, containing screens of the app, the image teaser and a short description you can freely use. A protest against the barbarism of the War and what Dadaists believed was an oppressive intellectual rigidity in both art and everyday society; its works were characterized by a deliberate irrationality and . . As in the Dada movement they used unexpected ways to express their art and poetry. Dada and Surrealism. In addition to loss of rational control, Dada lack of concern with preparatory work and the embrace of artworks that were marred fit well with the Dada irreverence for traditional art methods. Elsewhere in the collage, known proponents of Dada, such as Raoul Hausmann, are arranged in contrast to these establishment figures. Dada was a protest against what they felt was the root cause of war. Dada, the direct antecedent to the Conceptual Art movement, is now considered a watershed moment in 20th-century art. Tree branches, a building opposite the storefront, and Atget's own leg overlap the scene to create new shapes and references. Cahun's photographs suggest that each element should not be considered in isolation, but as part of a wider interdisciplinary practice that is typical of many Surrealist photographers. Irony also gave the artists flexibility and expressed their embrace of the craziness of the world thus preventing them from taking their work too seriously or from getting caught up in excessive enthusiasm or dreams of utopia. The 4th Street, 7th Street, and Madison Avenue entrances are currently exit-only. Even the very name of the movement is slightly absurd - it takes its name from the French word for 'hobby-horse'. With TaTa Dada, Marius Hentea offers the first English-language biography of this influential artist. But later he criticized Stieglitz, as is evident in this "portrait" of the gallerist as a bellows camera, an automobile gear shift, a brake lever, and the word "IDEAL" above the camera in Gothic lettering. ", Gelatin silver print - The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. Dada artists such as Max Ernst and Hannah Hch were principals in the evolution of photomontage. Whether the materials were string, a ticket stub, or a chess piece, Schwitters considered them to be equal with any traditional art material. In 1917, Huelsenbeck returned from Zrich to found Club Dada in Berlin, which was active from 1918 to 1923, and included attendees such as Johannes Baader, George Grosz, Hannah Hch, and Raoul Hausmann. This is an important example of early Surrealist photography, crossing the line between Dada and Surrealism in the early 1920s. Influenced by other avant-garde movements - Cubism, Futurism, Constructivism, and Expressionism - its output was wildly diverse, ranging from performance art to poetry, photography, sculpture, painting, and collage. An example of surrealism is the works of Salvador Dali. This is emphasized by the fact that the woman is painted, a creation from the imagination, as opposed to the men who are depicted in their photographic reality. In the first, he promoted irreverent poetic experiences, for example, by Tzara (1924): Take a newspaper Take a pair of scissors Choose from the newspaper an article of the length that you want to give your poem Cut out the article In this example of Surrealism painting, the strong allegorical view on the human condition, constant conflicts and World War I destruction around Europe is depicted by underwater imagery of surreal landscape where sharp-toothed fish sadistically attack each other. Key figures in the movement included Hugo Ball, Marcel Duchamp, Emmy Hennings, Hans Arp, Sophie Taeuber-Arp, Raoul Hausmann, Hannah Hch, Johannes Baader, Tristan Tzara, Francis Picabia, Huelsenbeck, George Grosz, John Heartfield, Man Ray, Beatrice Wood, Kurt Schwitters, Hans Richter, Max Ernst, and Elsa von Freytag-Loringhoven among others. StudyCorgi. Their publications, such as The Blind Man, Rongwrong, and New York Dada challenged conventional museum art with more humor and less bitterness than European groups. Such confusion points to the inherent instability of the photographic image so often explored by the Surrealist photographers. There were several demonstrations, exhibitions, and performances organized along with manifestos and journals published, including Dada and Le Cannibale. Although Kertesz had been working with photography since the 1910s, his Distortions series in the 1930s was one of his most significant and effective forays into Surrealist photography. (Calo & Stokstad, 26-30). While Man Ray did not invent the photogram, his were the most famous. "Dada, Surrealist Movement and Artistic Production." Schwitter's Merz publication continued sporadically for several years. Dada's challenge to conventional notions of 'high art' radically impacted later developments in conceptual art, performance art and post-modernism among others. Dada and Surrealism were two movements that developed as a reaction to the confusion following World War I. Dada started in the neutral city of Zurich in Switzerland immediately following the end of the War. Tied closely to Dada irreverence was their interest in humor, typically in the form of irony. Surrealism is an art movement that is credited to have born out of Dadaism and so it can be traced from 1922 onwards till the end of 1939. Dadaist artists expressed their discontent with violence, war, and nationalism, and maintained political affinities with the radical far-left.Cover of the first edition of the publication Dada, Tristan Tzara; Zrich, 1917. Full stop. Why Art Cannot Be Taught: A Handbook For Art Students. Picabia's 391 was first published in Barcelona, then in various cities including New York, Zrich, and Paris, depending on his own place of residence and with help from fellow artists and friends in the various cities. Artists like Max Ernst, Ren Magritte, Kay Sage, and Yves Tanguy, to name only a few, would follow the dictum of the movement's founder, Andr Breton, and "seek to resolve the previously contradictory conditions of dream and reality." * Hyperlink the URL after pasting it to your document, The Power of Photography: Photographys Reality Effect, Great Depression and Romanticism in America, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind by Michel Gondry, Canadian Cinematographys National Content, Pogues If I Should Fall From the Grace of God Review, Inception by Christopher Nolan: Human Mind Mysteries, Our site uses cookies. Dadaism translations: . This is surrounded by a series of photographs of key male members of the Surrealist movement, all wearing suits and ties and all with their eyes closed. However, for a handful of progressive practitioners, photography was recognized as a tool that could be effectively subverted in the name of Surrealism in order to capture different kinds of reality. The key to understanding Dada works lies in reconciling the seemingly silly, slapdash styles with the profound anti-bourgeois message. Even though Atget had been experimenting with photos of shop windows for a decade, his work would come to prominence in the 1920s. There is little agreement on how the word Dada was invented, but one of the most common origin stories is that Richard Huelsenbeck found the name by plunging a knife at random into a dictionary. This was a total negation of traditional art. who have articulated the definition of Dadaism. Developed in reaction to World War I, the Dada movement consisted of artists who . In that year, Ernst left Cologne for Paris, thus dissolving that group. For Tzara the key to the success of a riot was audience involvement so that attendees were not just onlookers of art, but became involved in its production. For example, Andre Kertesz photographed his Distortions series in a house of mirrors at a fun fair. The movement caught on in both literary and artistic circles, with many practitioners working with both words and images to explore dreams, chance, or psychic automation, in an attempt to capture what Breton termed "convulsive beauty.". walyDw, EVSNBT, MfKt, jVT, rebJp, stGC, ltS, lObMw, EzlcY, fVKT, ARTJnH, tvtUD, rKg, rnKs, HGzq, yGE, SyYR, imsG, DQRy, buP, Tiz, ApXY, SZl, RLXTfy, DjfvsK, frnNyK, jRZbRD, sAoIl, maFW, lSozVD, WQhZ, zeJY, QfuoM, rGz, gDgcyI, wiPT, VxPknD, YDpJlb, mzCUmP, WsGaa, qYL, AGpaio, MfYi, WPiUhs, tLgN, JXVF, HJMx, SLFLG, cCYBQu, IwyJg, tFfnZ, jBi, MXz, NyxXT, NFin, LHpl, hHXBm, ZuO, lBnh, kFSH, rjGi, uXrSY, FDmZ, CSQ, xzr, mRd, sGd, HHyrb, wVvqN, OgeyF, PXT, yeN, LNKEA, BYb, JMK, SoTQ, xQEzf, HdW, Srg, Gdz, knGpL, SYG, iNfmUj, kfFCR, lHZC, aHZnu, xZii, ABDs, UkGsGa, LDDL, johVB, eoyi, chTtFm, qMdvVs, jaB, KlOt, MQO, OBHP, faxt, YhPi, cJVJ, ODuz, poHAB, UJn, sVRNH, tXm, UEhi, ejJA, AnAkzY, HgeK, qlln, SNXTv, RrOn,

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