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October 2022 The Greek word magi indicates these men were astrologers and interpreters of omensfollowing a star and dreaming dreams. The history of six popular Christmas customs may surprise you. Few details are given about these men in the Bible, and most of our ideas about them actually come from tradition or speculation. They individually originated from different nations, with Caspar being said to have come from the Indo-Parthian Kingdom. How do we know that Jesus was not born on December 25? By presenting Jesus with gold. But who were they, really? We often hear about three wise men. The Bible doesn't mention how many Magi there were. PRIVACY SETTINGS. The Bible says: Herod, seeing that he had been outwitted by the astrologers, flew into a great rage, and he sent out and had all the boys in Bethlehem and in all its districts killed, from two years of age and under, according to the time that he had carefully ascertained from the astrologers. (Matthew 2:16) God would not have caused such a wicked thing to be done.Job 34:10. a Herodotus, a Greek historian of the fifth centuryB.C.E., said that the magoi of his day belonged to a Median (Persian) tribe that specialized in astrology and interpretation of dreams. He is the author "Hope for Hurting Singles: A Christian Guide to Overcoming Life's Challenges.". Answer. The wise men were astrologers, and the star was an astronomical sign they saw that signified the prophecy of the Jewish king. If you read the second chapter of Luke, then you will find it was the shepherds who went to the manger and found Mary and Joseph and the infant Jesus wrapped in swaddling clothes. First a brief bit of history as to why I associate the astrologers below as Modern Magi. They presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The magi were wise men in a sense (for Daniel was praised as a wise man and made chief over them, yet the term also refers to magi, it is an equivalent thing not a mistranslation), and yes they used astrology to see this star (the NET notes note that the term they used concerning the star was "in it's rising" which is an astrological thing), although of course it is also a supernatural event. Who Were the Three Wise Men? According to the Bible, the Wise Men were three middle eastern kings Gaspar, Melchior, and Baltasar who felt compelled by God and a new star in the sky to go to Jerusalem and bring gifts to the son of God who was to be born. Since the seventh century, the Western Church has recognized these three Magi by the names Gaspar, Melchior, and Balthasar. . According to legend, the wise men were baptized by the Apostle Thomas and joined him in preaching the gospel. NIV and NLT render them "magicians, enchanters, sorcerers and astrologers." The ESV does something rather confusing and renders them "magicians, the enchanters, the sorcerers, and the Chaldeans", apparently following the . " In the Arab Childhood Gospel, we read: "The Magi came to Jerusalem . The legend that there were three, and that we know their names, is just a legend. Origen in c. 250 was the first to give them these names. The Three Kings, or Magi, are mentioned only in the Gospel of Matthew 2:1-12. As early as A.D. 200, Tertullian was laying out arguments that the Magi, while astrologers by trade, were considered kings . Home + Decorating Viewed 7k times. But a traveling caravan could have been far larger. Evolutionary Astrology Their relics were found by Empress Helena, who brought them to Constantinople. For we saw his star when we were in the East, and we have come to do obeisance to him.Matthew 2:1,2. But if we put all the evidence together, it seems that the Wise Men were probably Zoroastrian influenced astrologers in the court of the Kingdoms of Nabatea and Sheba who brought rich gifts of diplomatic significance to the newborn King of the Jews. Organizations They did not come to the manger scene and their names were not Gaspar, Melchior and Balshasar. The Three Wise Men were members of an order of Persian priestly-astrologers known as Magi, that would study and interpret the stars. The Bible never says three wise men nor were wise men present at Christ's birth. Astrology was a well-known science in the East and astrologers were the ones to study the stars in heaven. This is a common misconception. We aren't to trust the wise men. They doggedly followed a star which led them to Jesus. Travel The Three Wise Men were members of an order of Persian priestly-astrologers known as Magi, that would study and interpret the stars. We too are asked to bring our gifts to the holy child, who represents all of humanity . Was there a 4th Wise Man? Matthew reported that they went to Jerusalem and gained an audience with King Herod. In giving Jesus the Myrrh. The Three Wise Men were Persian. Some early church traditions say there were twelve. For more information, visit dwightlongenecker.com, A Prayer for Victory - Your Daily Prayer - November 2, How to 'Let Go and Let God' with Adult Children in Trouble. 2. There were not three wise men. Christians have been trying to nail down their identity for millennia. ( Isaiah 47:13) While at home in the East, they saw a "star" and followed it hundreds of miles, not to Bethlehem, but to Jerusalem. . Scripture does not say how many wise men there were, but it is generally assumed there were three since they brought three gifts: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. The bible does not say the number but does mention three gifts specifically. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Indeed, John Wycliffe's (c. 1330-1384 C.E.) Gold was indeed associated with royalty, but it may also foreshadow Jesus' purpose: in 1 Kings 6:20-22, the walls of the Most Holy Place and the altar are overlaid with gold. This would have stood out most to these biblical astrologers, and would have be seen as the sign that herald the birth of the Messiah. We've updated our Privacy Policy, which will go in to effect on September 1, 2022. The fact is, that both interpretations could actually be considered true. Financial They studied the movements of the planets (called wandering stars back then, since the planets change . 3. The Greek word mgoi (translated magi or wise men) is plural, so we're sure there were at least two. April 2022 Shepherds show up first, and later, the happy couple is visited by the three wise men/kings/magi. The Magi as a whole, in particular the the wise men mentioned in the bible. An ancient class of priestly scholars that specialized in astronomy and astrology during biblical times. It is said that the star would have been nothing but a cluster of stars with the bright Jupiter at the centre. Moses was wiser then the wise menthey couldn't keep up with him. Technical terms used in the Bible's description point to a real astronomical event. Audio download options But if youd like a bit more clarification of the myths surrounding these mystery men, here are some insights from author Dwight Longenecker: We have no idea how many there were. ( Matthew 2:1, 2, 9) It must have taken a long time for these men to travel to Judea. a A number of Bible translations call them "astrologers" or "magi." b How many "wise men" were there? Celestial stars move across the sky from East to West and it never changes. This is based solely on the numbers of gifts presented. From the Introduction to Revelation of the Magi. Article Images Copyright , 5 Common Myths about the Three Wise Men Story. Many Eastern branches of Christianity has their numbers at twelve or more. This was assumed because three gifts were given to Jesus: gold, frankincense, and myrrh. This is not the case however, as the wise men arrived in Bethlehem days, weeks, months or possibly even years later. 4 Myths Surrounding the Three Wise Men or Magi Myth #1: They are part of the Nativity Story. Consider why that cannot be the case. You can throw out the We Three Kings picture completely. The Magi were declaring their belief in Jesus being the King of Kings. A graduate of Oxford and Bob Jones University, he has written sixteen books on different aspects of religion. They also knew about the Old. But the magi were also familiar with other forms of divination. Am I Bugging God When I Continue to Pray about the Same Thing? Foolish people, like Herod the Great, reject Jesus and even seek to destroy him. They doggedly followed a star that led them to Jesus. Catholic Wedding Ceremony Traditional and Modern Services, They sought out Jesus Christ and awaited his arrival, They recognized Jesuss authority and accepted him as the King of Kings, They put their faith and trust in God and Jesus, They put God ahead of themselves and obeyed his commands rather than men. January 2022 By the time they met Jesus, he was in a house and was a child, not an infant, implying they arrived a year or more after his birth. The relationship between astrology and the birth of Jesus Christ has been well established by the fact that a "Star" guided the three wise-men who were travelling in search of the New King. The original magi were highly valued by the Babylonian kings for centuries. This is evident because KingHerod, who wanted to have Jesus killed, ordered the slaughter of boys who were two years old and younger. When we seek God with sincere determination, we will find him. The wise men were likely accomplished Greek astrologers, watching the stars for signs of a king's birth. After Jesus was born in Bethlehem in Judea, during the time of King Herod, Magi from the east came to Jerusalem Matthew 2:1. (Matthew 2:3-6) On learning that it was to be in Bethlehem, he told the astrologers to go there, look for the child, and report back to him. How did Herod react? May 2022 Ironically, the Gospel of John states that Nicodemus brought a mixture of 75 pounds of aloe and myrrh to anoint Jesus body after the crucifixion. Rejoice and give thanks for the birth of Christ with ourFREE 25 Days to a Joyful Christmas Prayer Guide! Remember these men were magi, astrologers employed in Babylon to serve the Babylonian court! The Three Kings were Zoroastrian astrologers and scholars, learned wise men. Throughout history the details of events have changed over time. He is said to have given the gift of myrrh. Do We Have to Go to Church to Be Christian? Of course men from Persia could have brought these gifts, but they signify a giving of the best commodities from their own country to a neighboring King. The Jews regarded not Christ, but these Gentiles enquired him out. The Magi bring the first Christmas gifts. The Bible says: When they went into the house, they saw the young child with Mary his mother. (Matthew 2:11) This indicates that the family were by then living in a house and that Jesus was no longer an infant in a manger.Luke 2:16. It has generally been assumed that the wise men (or magi) were three in number because Matthew 2:11 makes mention of three gifts: ". Asked by: Destany Tillman MD. Zodiac Signs. Healing We always see the three wise men or magi showing up in traditional nativity scenes. The wise men were probably Persian members of the order of priests, philosophers and astrologers called Magi that had existed east of the Euphrates River since ancient times. February 2021, All May 2021 Most Bible versions render the word Magi as the English term "wise men." Maybe there were three of them, but all the Bible can tell us is that there was more than one. Matthew never says that they followed a star. Were the "wise men" kings? This group of wise men (or Magi) had read the prophecies about a child being born who would be a king, and that the star would be a sign, and they believed the prophecies. Moon Wobbles Learn Religions, Aug. 27, 2020, learnreligions.com/three-kings-wise-men-from-the-east-701082. Mystery of the Magi: The Quest to Identify the Three Wise Men, Why Gold, Frankincense, and Myrrh Were Given to Baby Jesus, California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Mundane 5 "In Bethlehem in Judea," they replied, "for this is what the prophet has written: 6 " 'But you, Bethlehem, in the land of . The appearance of the star set in motion events that threatened the life of Jesus and resulted in the murder of innocent children. What appeared to be a star led the astrologers first to Jerusalem. The Magi -- usually known as the "Three Wise Men" or "Three Kings" -- are easily the most famous of the visitors who appear at Jesus's birth in the Gospel accounts of the Christmas story. Did They Follow the Star of Bethlehem? 4 When he had called together all the people's chief priests and teachers of the law, he asked them where the Messiah was to be born. One thing that we do know for certain, was that three gifts were presented. This is based on Matthew 2:11-11, to be precise. The inns were full. The Magi as a whole, in particular the the wise men mentioned in the bible. We assume that there were three wise men because of the three gifts that were given: gold, incense, and myrrh ( Matthew 2:11 ). Poetry | Angels spread the word of the Messiah's birth. It is a common misconception that the wise men were present at the birth of Jesus Christ. Few details are given about these men in the Bible, and most of our ideas about them actually come from tradition or speculation. Were the "wise men" kings? https://www.learnreligions.com/three-kings-wise-men-from-the-east-701082 (accessed November 4, 2022). An aromatic plant resin used as an anointing oil during embalming. And no, they were not Christians, per se. The Bible doesn't specify that there were only three wise men; there were likely a group of them, and yes, they were astrologers. Wise people acknowledge their need for a Savior and seek to find him. Let's see what the scripture says about the stars. Wise men are aren't spoken of positively. That they were Gentiles, and not belonging to the commonwealth of Israel. Despite their great fame, however, there is only one short passage in the New Testament that tells of the . Many historians consider them to have been Semites and that the Jews and Arabs are both descendants of Noah's son Shem. They were astronomers and astrologers, who carefully watched the sky. ( Matthew 2:1) Instead, the Gospel writer Matthew used the Greek word ma'goi to describe those who visited Jesus. When they eventually found Jesus, he was no longer a newly born babe in a stable. These wise men paid Jesus the kind of respect only God deserves, bowing before him and worshiping him. "Meet the Three Kings - Wise Men From the East." Transits Matthew does not call them kings; that title was used later, in legends. It can refer to righteous, God-fearing wise men, teachers, priests, physicians, prophets, and interpreters of dreams, as well as to unrighteous false prophets, astrologers, augerers, soothsayers, and sorcerers. The idea of three wise men may have developed, because there were three types of gifts presented by the wise men to Jesus (Matthew 2:11). Weekly Horoscopes Below I've selected "Three Wise Men of Astrology" as timeless leaders known for remarkable insights and soulful character as they describe what the spirit or human eyes cannot tangibly see. 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