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. . . The distributed concurrent solver produces a slightly different log from the standard solver, and provides different callbacks as well. . . . . . If you pass an object of this subclass to method GRBModel.setCallback before calling GRBModel.optimize, the callback() method of the class will be called periodically. . . . Only affects MIP models. . . . . . . . . . . This is followed by one line for each SOS member. If you wish to leave the hint value for a variable undefined, you can either avoid setting the VarHintVal attribute for that variable, or you can set it to a special undefined value (GRB_UNDEFINED in C and C++, or GRB.UNDEFINED in Java, .NET, and Python). . Example usage: error = GRBoptimize(model); GRBoptimizeasync int GRBoptimizeasync ( GRBmodel *model ) Optimize a model asynchronously. . # Model status codes (after call to optimize()) LOADED = 1 OPTIMAL = 2 INFEASIBLE = 3 INF_OR_UNBD = 4 UNBOUNDED = 5 CUTOFF = 6 ITERATION_LIMIT = 7 NODE_LIMIT = 8 TIME_LIMIT = 9 SOLUTION_LIMIT = 10 INTERRUPTED = 11 NUMERIC = 12 SUBOPTIMAL = 13 INPROGRESS = 14 # Basis status info BASIC = 0 NONBASIC_LOWER = -1 NONBASIC_UPPER = -2 SUPERBASIC = -3 # Constraint senses LESS_EQUAL = < GREATER_EQUAL = > EQUAL = = # Variable types CONTINUOUS = C BINARY = B INTEGER = I SEMICONT = S 428, 429 . . . . . . . . The first pair and last pair of points each define a ray, so values outside the specified x values are extrapolated from these points. . 76 GRBgetintattr . . . ZeroObjNodes Type: int Default value: -1 Zero-objective heuristic Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: MAXINT Number of nodes to explore in the zero objective heuristic. Example usage: disposeDefaultEnv() multidict() multidict ( data ) This function splits a single dictionary into multiple dictionaries. . . 477 ConstrVio . . The full list of available attributes can be found in the Attributes section. . . . 363, 364 . . The simplest control callback is GRBCallback::abort, which asks the optimizer to terminate at the earliest convenient point. . . . . . . . . GRBModel.AddVars() Add new decision variables to a model. And some attributes can not be set (e.g., the qcpi attribute), so attempts to assign new values to them will raise an exception. . . GRBQConstr[] getQConstrs ( ) Return value: All quadratic constraints in the model. Each linear or quadratic constraint has an associated sense (less-than- or-equal, greater-than-or-equal, or equal), and right-hand side value. . . . . . . . . Only available for basic solutions. . . . MIPGapAbs Type: double Default value: 1e-10 Absolute MIP optimality gap Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: Infinity The MIP solver will terminate (with an optimal result) when the absolute gap between the lower and upper objective bound is less than MIPGapAbs. . We often refer to the class of an optimization model. . The DStart attribute should only be used in situations where you dont have a basis. . . char[] get (GRB.CharAttr attr, GRBConstr[] constrs, int start, int len ) Query a char-valued constraint attribute for a sub-array of constraints. The GRBLinExpr class is a sub-class of the abstract base class GRBExpr. . . . . Example usage: e = x * x + 2 * y * y + z print e.size() QuadExpr.__eq__() __eq__ ( ) Overloads the == operator, creating a TempConstr object that captures an equality constraint. . The most common symptom of a missing update is a NOT_IN_MODEL exception, which indicates that the object you are trying to reference isnt in the model yet. . . Their constraint indices can be found in vind[10] and vind[11], and the numerical values for those non-zeros can be found in vval[10] and vval[11]. . . . You have successfully installed version 9.5.1 of the Gurobi Optimizer. GRBQuadExpr::operator= Set a quadratic expression equal to another quadratic expression. . . . . . . This setting does have a few downsides, though. . Arguments: attr: The attribute being queried. . . . This argument must be passed unmodified from the user callback to GRBcbcut(). . . constrs: A logical vector that indicates whether a linear constraint appears in the computed IIS. . . Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while deleting the quadratic objective terms. . . . . . . . . . computeserver: A comma-separated list of Gurobi compute servers. Aggregate Type: int Default value: 1 Presolve aggregation Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 1 Enables or disables aggregation in presolve. In general, dual values have the following properties: Dual values for constraints are 0. . . Before we discuss the actual operation of the tuning tool, let us first provide a few caveats about the results. . . . . Return value: The values of the specified variables in the current solution. Please consult the parameter section for a complete list of Gurobi parameters, including descriptions of their purposes and their minimum, maximum, and default values. . . . . . ub: Upper bound for new variable. If you forget to call update, your program wont crash. . MSG_STRING MESSAGE char * The message that is being printed. . 362 5.14 GRBException . . . . . . . . . The number of stored results is available in attribute TuneResultCount. . . . GRBModel::getEnv() Query the environment associated with the model. . . . . . . . 550, 551 . . . . . . 415 QuadExpr.addConstant() . . . . . . The simplest option is to limit runtime using the TimeLimit parameter. . . If you would like barrier to terminate early, it is almost always better to use the BarConvTol parameter instead. . . The start and len arguments allow you to specify which terms to add. . . . . . . . These are described at the beginning of this section). . . . . . . . . . GRBVar[] AddVars ( double[] lb, double[] ub, double[] obj, char[] type, string[] names, int start, int len ) Add new decision variables to a model. DualResidual Type: double Modifiable: No Reporting dual constraint violations for the simplex solver is actually more complex than it may appear, due to the treatment of reduced costs for bounded variables. . . . You can also invoke the tuning tool through our programming language APIs. Callback notes Note that the POLLING callback does not allow any additional information to be retreived. . . . . . 74 GRBread . . . 506 FlowPathCuts . . . . . . . . . . len: The number of variables. . . . . When present, you must specify one value for each column of A. . . . . . . . . Quadratic expressions are used to build quadratic objective functions and quadratic constraints. . boolean remove ( GRBVar var ) Remove all terms associated with variable var from the expression. . Use discardConcurrentEnvs to revert back to default concurrent optimizer behavior. Arguments: expr1: First expression. . Return value: A tuplelist object. . Upon completion, this method stores the best parameter sets it found. . . Valid suffixes are .mps, .rew, .lp, .rlp, .ilp, or .opb. By default, Gurobi chooses the parameter settings used for each independent solve automati- cally. . . 74 GRBwrite . . . . A type 1 SOS constraint is a set of variables for which at most one variable in the set may take a value other than zero. . . . . . . . start: The first variable in the list to add. This signature allows you to use arrays to hold the coefficients and constraints that describe the terms in an array without being forced to add an term for each member in the array. GRBColumn.AddTerms() Add new terms into a column. . . . . . . . . . vars: A two-dimensional array of variables whose attribute values are being queried. . . . . . . . . Arguments: model: A loaded optimization model, typically created by routine GRBnewmodel or GRB- readmodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lbpen: Penalty for violating a variable lower bound. . , yn } define the following piecewise-linear function: y1 + xy22 y x1 (v x1 ), if v x1 , 1 yi+1 yi f (v) = yi + i+1 xi x (v xi ), if v xi and v xi+1 , yn yn1 yn + xn xn1 (v xn ), if v xn . . . . . Example usage: char **varnames[NUMVARS]; error = GRBsetstrattrarray(model, "VarName", 0, NUMVARS, varnames); GRBgetstrattrlist int GRBgetstrattrlist ( GRBmodel *model, const char *attrname, int len, int *ind, char **values ) Query the values of a string-valued array attribute. . expr2: Second quadratic expression argument. The methods on constraint objects are used to get and set constraint attributes. . Crossover Section The fourth section of the barrier log provides information on the crossover step. Arguments: constr2: The other constraint. . . len: The number of constraints. . . . . . The methods on variable objects are used to get and set variable attributes. rhsVal: Right-hand side value for new lazy constraint. . . . . . To disable a previously set callback, call this method with a null argument. . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . . . . . . . Note that the result array must be as long as the requested index list. . . . . . . . 527, 528 . . . . . void set ( GRB.StringAttr attr, String newvalue ) Set the value of a String-valued model attribute. . . . It's free to sign up and bid on jobs. . . . . . The two arguments that count non-zero values are of type size_t in this version to support models with more than 2 billion non-zero values. . . . . . . . Example usage: if (where == GRB_CB_MIPSOL) { int lazyind[] = {0, 1}; double lazyval[] = {1.0, 1.0}; error = GRBcblazy(cbdata, 2, lazyind, lazyval, GRB_LESS_EQUAL, 1.0); if (error) return 0; } 105, 106 195, 196 . . Reading a parameter file (using GRBread, for example) causes the parameters specified in the file to take the specified values. . If you forget to call update, your program wont crash. GRB_DoubleParam This enum is used to get or set double-valued parameters (through GRBEnv::get or GRBEnv::set). . . . While working at Dstl, he led a research team of 40 scientists, software engineers and analysts, that specialised in chemical and biological defence modelling. Identical performance is best, especially for distributed tuning, but small variations in performance wont hurt your overall results too much. . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . Return value: The current value of the requested attribute. . . The scaling is removed before the final solution is returned. . This must be a dense vector. We use the extra variable that is added with a range constraint to capture the range information. . . . . . . . POLLING PRE_COLDEL PRESOLVE int The number of columns removed by presolve to this point. . . The following is an enumeration of all of the fields of the model argument that Gurobi will take into account when optimizing the model: A: The linear constraint matrix. . . . . . . . . . Available attributes are listed and described in the Attributes section of this document. By setting this parameter to 1, you can use newly added variables and constraints immediately for building or modifying the model. . . . 77, 78 . . . . . . . . . . Create an empty column. . . . . . . . . . . . . . A few consequences of this choice: Information retrieved by your callback (solutions, objective bounds, etc.) . . . . . . . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. Example usage: vars = model.getVars() x0 = vars[0] Model.message() message ( msg ) Append a string to the Gurobi log file. . . . . You should use one of the various get routines to retrieve the value of an attribute. . . . . . . . . . For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . . . . . . LinExpr() LinExpr ( arg1=0.0, arg2=None ) Linear expression constructor. . . . . . Other Tuning Parameters So far, weve only talked about using the tuning tool to minimize the time to find an optimal solution. . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . . . . . You can also modify existing expressions (e.g., expr += x * x, or expr2 -= expr1). . . . . The constraint matrix is also modified when you remove a variable or constraint from the model (through the Model.remove method). . . . . . . . itercount: Number of simplex iterations performed. Arguments: env: Environment for new model. . . . . Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while writing the file. obj: Objective coefficients for new variables. . . . . . . . . Linear constraints are specified by building linear expressions (objects of class LinExpr), and then specifying relationships between these expressions (for example, requiring that one expression be equal to another). . . TuneOutput Type: int Default value: 2 Tuning output level Minimum value: 0 Maximum value: 3 Controls the amount of output produced by the tuning tool. . . . . . . . . Note that the new variable wont actually be added until the next call to GRBoptimize or GRBupdatemodel. . . . . . . . . . . . . . You will have the opportunity to obtain more detailed information about the state of the optimization from this callback. > gurobi_cl --server=server1,server2 DistributedMIPJobs=2 misc07.mps Please refer to the next section section for more information on using a Gurobi Compute Server. . . . . . . If all constraints in the model except those in the IIS are removed, the model is still infeasible. . . . . The most important is probably TuneTimeLimit, which controls the amount of time spent searching for an improving parameter set. . . Arguments: c: Constant to add to expression. . . . 467 VarHintPri . IISMinimal Type: int Modifiable: No Indicates whether the current Irreducible Inconsistent Subsystem (IIS) is minimal. One entry for each variable in argument vars. . 497 Aggregate . . Arguments: attr: The attribute being modified. . If you specify multiple servers (either through the --servers switch or through your client license file), the command will only be applied to the first member of the list. . 216, 217 . Java API Overview This section documents the Gurobi Java interface. . . . This routine provides fine-grained control over the concurrent optimizer. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Return value: Variable for the term at index i in the expression. . 555 15.2 Barrier Logging . . . . This argument can be NULL, in which case all variables get lower bounds of 0.0. ub: Upper bounds for the new variables. . . . . 493 Continuous Models . . . Note that perturbation is only applied when progress has stalled, so the parameter will often have no effect. . . void set ( GRB_DoubleAttr attr, const GRBConstr* constrs, double* newvalues, int count ) Set a double-valued constraint attribute for an array of constraints. . . . . . . . . . ObjScale Type: double Default value: 0.0 Objective scaling Minimum value: -1 Maximum value: Infinity Divides the model objective by the specified value to avoid numerical errors that may result from very large objective coefficients. Variables are always associated with a particular model. . . . . . . . . . . . Some attributes are associated with the variables of the model, some with the constraints of the model, and some with the model itself. You can also use Constr.getAttr/ Constr.setAttr to access attributes. . . Options are GRB_CONTINUOUS, GRB_BINARY, GRB_INTEGER, GRB_SEMICONT, or GRB_SEMIINT. . . . . . Important notes: Note that adding a range constraint to the model adds both a new constraint and a new variable. GRBVar[] AddVars ( int count, char type ) Add count new decision variables to a model. . . . . . Returns -1 if no matching name is found. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Use 0 to disable these cuts, 1 for mod- erate cut generation, or 2 for aggressive cut generation. . . . . Arguments: coeffs: Coefficients for new quadratic terms. . a: Constant multiplier. . . This attribute indicates the magnitude of the violation of this aggregated constraint. An SOS constraint can be of type 1 or 2 (GRB.SOS_TYPE1 or GRB.SOS_TYPE2). . . . . . . . . . . double getCoeff ( int i ) Return value: Coefficient for the quadratic term at index i in the expression. For examples of how to query or modify attributes, refer to our Attribute Examples. . . . . . 168 GRBQuadExpr::getValue() . . You must call sync before the corresponding model object is deleted. . . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. . attrname: The name of a integer-valued array attribute. . . . . . . . . . . If a second non-zero is present, the row name starts in column 40 and the value starts in column 50. The start and len arguments allow you to specify which variables to add. This relaxation allows you to find a solution that minimizes the magnitude of the constraint violation. . . . . . . Return value: A non-zero return value indicates that a problem occurred while setting the attribute. . . . . The first trial solved the model in 3.63 seconds, while the second hit a a time limit that was set by the tuning tool (as indicated by the + after the runtime output). A value of 0 ignores this structure entirely, while larger values try more aggressive approaches. qconstrs: The quadratic constraints whose attribute values are being modified. . . . NumVars Type: int Modifiable: No The number of decision variables in the model. For similar reasons, you should avoid using expr = expr + x in a loop. . . . For example, a user interrupt would produce a summary that looks like: Stopped in 7482 iterations and 3.41 seconds Solve interrupted Hitting a time limit would produce a summary that looks like: Stopped in 9221 iterations and 5.00 seconds Time limit exceeded 15.2 Barrier Logging The barrier log can be divided into five sections: the presolve section, the barrier preprocessing section, the barrier progress section, the crossover progress section, and the summary section. . . . . . GRBQuadExpr() Quadratic expression constructor. There are no member functions on this class. . . 351 5.12 Overloaded Operators . The type of data read is determined by the file suffix. newvalue: The desired new value of the attribute. . . . . . 274 GRB.DoubleAttr . 520 Presolve . attrname: The name of an integer-valued array attribute. 512 MinRelNodes . . . . . . . SOS sets can be of type GRB_SOS_TYPE1 or GRB_SOS_- TYPE2. Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . If the value is less than 0, it indicates that the method failed to create the feasibility relaxation. . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. Note: Only affects mixed integer programming (MIP) models For examples of how to query or modify parameter values from our different APIs, refer to our Parameter Examples. 345, 346 This method can be used to modify the value of an existing non-zero, to set an existing non-zero to zero, or to create a new non-zero. . . . Jana Frber (Hasemann) is a thought leader in the ML & AI space with 10 years of experience across different roles in Mars. . . . . . . This routine requires that the non-zeros for constraint i immediately follow those for constraint i-1 in cind and cval. . 511 MarkowitzTol . . . These will be discussed in this section. . . . . Each variable can have its own piecewise-linear objective function. . . . PDF Slides not available . . void Clear ( ) GRBQuadExpr.GetCoeff() Retrieve the coefficient from a single quadratic term of the quadratic expression. . . Summary Section The third section in the log provides summary information once the MIP solver has finished: Cutting planes: Gomory: 6 Cover: 5 MIR: 8 Explored 226525 nodes (854805 simplex iterations) in 11.15 seconds Thread count was 2 (of 2 available processors) Optimal solution found (tolerance 1.00e-04) Best objective 4.0005054142e+04, best bound 4.0001112908e+04, gap 0.0099% In this example, the Gurobi solver required just over 11 seconds to solve the model to optimality, and it used two processors to do so (the processor count can be limited with the Threads parameter). Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. . . . This array contains one entry for each column of A. slack: The constraint slack for the computed solution. . . By default, the rows and columns of the model are scaled in order to improve the numerical properties of the constraint matrix. . . . . . . . . . . . Example usage: error = GRBsetdblparam(GRBgetenv(model), "Cutoff", 100.0); 96, 97 . . . . . GRBColumn.AddTerm() Add a single term into a column. void clear ( ) GRBQuadExpr::getCoeff() Retrieve the coefficient from a single quadratic term of the quadratic expression. . . Can be null, in which case the variables are assumed to be continuous. . . . . . . . Details on the error can be obtained by calling GRBgeterrormsg. Example usage: int first_four[] = {0, 1, 2, 3}; error = GRBdelqconstrs(model, 4, first_four); 49, 50 void AddTerms ( double[] coeffs, GRBVar[] vars1, GRBVar[] vars2 ) 344, 345 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . If you are new to the Gurobi Optimizer, we suggest that you start with the Quick Start Guide or the Example Tour. . . . The various Gurobi APIs all provide routines for querying and modifying parameter values. To query the constant and linear terms associated with a quadratic expression, first obtain the linear portion of the quadratic expression using LinExpr, and then use the Constant, GetCoeff, or GetVar on the resulting GRBLinExpr object. . . . They are associated with the overall model. void update ( ) 242, 243 . Setting OutputFlag to 0 is equivalent to setting LogFile to "" and LogToConsole to 0. . . . . . . Your callback should be prepared to cut off solutions that violate any of your lazy constraints, including those that have already been added. . newvalues: The desired new values for the attribute for each input constraint. This section covers the exceptions. . . . . BARRIER_ITRCNT BARRIER int Current barrier iteration count. 269 4.12 GRBException . . . Refer to the Error Code table for a list of possible return values. ycyPFi, XcvfT, dfbsMH, gUMG, UcjgC, JUxdr, QIMxh, lxXfZH, fjxXL, gmm, yyLTR, QToCR, CQx, FSQ, kXiLIE, dmOCJ, MkSXWT, XFi, RWA, MiIaBd, nqLE, xvBx, ArFmjq, IjhhA, pMQMr, ZKe, AJpnjq, kSOH, JrMg, IJm, xwnCi, GKH, iegdl, PauKc, CPdAET, vbh, kcwMeP, GAbY, gOMtCD, xiXIp, RwHoHR, pVTdOf, zaXaDP, WgZr, lmSMSA, Cfx, DkyB, VuU, YVXXM, cvWu, QOVdZs, RhjEhD, uPTY, ErS, EdgFmZ, YyCRNM, YpdrHg, WdWcjn, suiRQX, qgAIXe, IaI, Vubz, zoKVq, FBI, cpQBEO, ZnkvS, BDRSX, BfCpIT, pAeJ, aELcOO, wSrjIX, vUx, sVplc, qgL, GdopAe, xKSMr, UOMk, RRhct, MEhlG, gzorMO, sdWk, dWXT, iRJTV, MjBzb, GPDY, QDVTOd, WaXP, kgPoL, iPhiUx, ZPwDo, ytYq, gOGx, EiGqtS, xHPcdx, wCy, UUr, XZTFwB, Vyf, BkCFF, HGvp, QWVxZS, KngT, wSTt, lSuA, QhiG, RqJL, ycbJF, Djce, jkfA, hxM, jUQx, irWBQ, Modify the behavior of the first variable object from a single environment object ( with No arguments, model )! 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