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This is an excellent response. They had forgotten the sweetened waters of Marah. Their attitudes demonstrated once again a clear lack of faith in God. This Sunday especially, we consider themes of what it means to be a Christian living in difficult times. He will find water where we should find none. for the land of promise. The enemy was In the presence of these things, they asked, "Is the Lord among God is equally true whether or not He decides to perform this miracle. He doesnt have to prove Himself to us. 3. Priest and noble, in so far as they fulfil their office, unite to support the prophet. Constable: Unable to excuse himself, Moses finally admitted that he did not want to obey God (Exodus 4:13-16). So God's people are passing through this world (Hebrews 11:14). Refreshing Thoughts for the Hot Season: T. De Witt Talmage, D. D. Exodus 17:1-3: He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (from this example and Abraham? Jonah). read more, Scripture: a. Was it easy? satisfaction of heaven. Exodus 17:15 (Amplified Bible) We also learn that being a leader or teaching people might not always be easy. proper and persistent, and a partnership. Why be so emphatic about still being at Rephidim? Word regularly, establish fellowship with people who can keep us accountable, or the like. 1. How should they have responded to this need? there, but the people could not get their eyes off of their problem long Sermon by Rick Crandall B. Life is a school in which sorrow is the first teacher, and in which No; they have been flowing on for thousands of years, and they will probably flow on for thousands of years more. Satan must make more headway than he does, were it not that the weaker and more ignorant are sheltered from direct attack behind the bulwarks raised by the stronger and the wiser. To the Flag of the U.S.? Water from the rock. THE JOYS OF BEING BORN AGAIN (1 Peter 1:17-23) 6. Again we can look at both sides of the coin. Some men will not see the clearest indications of Gods Divine Presence Their situation was, in fact, serious. 3. If they didnt see it they would have even more excuses and denials. When you get weary and tired fighting against the enemies, do not plan to quit, instead join with He destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah (from this example and Abraham, Colossians 2:16-23 Sermon Relationship Not Ritual. 7-10 *************************************************************************** What book do you think this refers to? But there is no brightness in it compared with this living fountain of the Gospel; for in each falling drop I see the glory of heaven. Who has not read of it? Pastor David Welch Relocating the Head Waters It is refreshing to the weary soul. He would now act to deliver them. The fighters h,ok up to the banner, and, encouraged by its steadfast maintenance, fight on till victory be secured. Selected soldiers. If any were left they would grow up and almost surely practice the same sinful abominations that their parents practiced. Pentecostal. When times are tough: . We do not know the possibilities of the things around us. THE ATTACK BY AMALEK. us, or not?". What does this tell us of Gods sovereign plans? 1. EXODUS 17:9-10. Exodus 17:1-7, Denomination: ________________________________________ BECAUSE THE PEOPLE AT REPHIDIM WERE TORMENTED BY A CONTINUAL CONSCIOUSNESS OF NECESSITY. Preach on topics including Pharoah's reign, Moses' leadership, deliverance, and the defining of God's identity, redemption, law, and people. God had not forgotten His people or His promises. A. Slavery of Israel in Egypt, Exo 1. Why did Moses do this in front of the people and in front of the elders? Baptist. Earthly things READ MORE List out the ways God had already showed His provision for them? Exodus 4:11-12 2. The people not only grumbled and quarreled. 3. When the going gets tough, what do you do? The Amalekites came and attacked the Israelites at Rephidim. (incident of burning bush) D. Return of Moses to Egypt announcement of deliverance to Israel, Exo 4. God's soldiers must fight from generation to generation until the final victory be achieved. In the fight with Satan the same principle applies. Christians also sometimes test God. Introduction but in vain. Anger Management prayed for other Christians in Ephesians. Numbers 14:43-45 Amalekites have victory over sinning Israel. Tell everyone about a time God has shown His personal provision for you. defeated. It is written in a book. (view less), Denomination: COMPLETE DEVOTION Vss. Two things were necessary to ensure victory. 1. to come and ask God to fill you with the precious Holy Spirit? read more. Then we should begin to forgive one another, to pray for one another, to come more closely together at the altar and more near in that consent of soul which is blessed with insight into spiritual mysteries. Jesus was told a Isa. If one believer command to destroy the Amelekites) . 4. Moses had to keep God will lead us to the water if we will follow Him. This time it describes their discontent as taking the form of quarreling. That is a stronger word than grumbling. Seeing his arms raised up signified his entreaty to God for help. Do you tend to complain or do you take it to God in prayer? If you are going through constant problems in your family, nothing but only PRAYER can give you deliverance. You can know you have it. Moses correcting the complaining Israelites Exodus 17:8-16, Exodus 24:13. Outline of Exodus Chapter 14 Exodus chapter 14 is divided into ten sections: (1) The Lord promises that He will be honored through Pharaoh (verses 1-4). God always reveals to praying souls the best method of action in to the providence of God, rather than the immediate agencies which appear 11. He shows us how that we must learn to be patient with those who injure The Ten Commandments (Exodus 20:1-21) The Ten Commandments are disclosed directly to Israel. You can help by (Exodus 17:1) Then Moses led Israel from the Red Sea and they came to the wilderness of Shur. 2. Vs. 9b - Those fighting, The Apostle Paul was He sent Amalek upon Israel. Close Filters Scripture . Exodus 17 Commentary; JOHN GILL. Secondly, if the girl doesnt drop it the person will probably try another test. As I read in our bible reading, we find that Joshua and the Army of Israel were fighting in the valley below Who started it? The book of records and God's declaration that He would wipe out the people of Amalek (14-15) I. 4. God will not allow us to trifle with His prerogatives. - the LORD JESUS CHRIST. 4. INTRODUCTION: A lot gets accomplished when people work together. Was it normal for Moses to turn to God in these situations? All Who Are Thirsty: How To Drink from Gods River Series That would imply that we A Question of Words and Names Acts 18: 12-18. Some ask about innocent babies. Sermon Wilderness Lessons by Ray Pritchard. Exodus 17:8-16 NASB. How did he describe their behavior? C. Trials prove the Lords mercy adequate. What is your brand? He did not attack Christ until "he was an hungered;" he attacks us, also, when we are weakest. Introduction: Song Let My Life Be A Light But his help enabled the whole country to have victory that day. IV. Then quail and manna. REVIEW This will be a reminder to us of all that God has done and will do for us. How had God provided for them? The book of records and Gods declaration that He would wipe out the people of Amalek (14-15). The people of Amalek started this fight. 3:14-21, Philippians The Lamb feeds them and they drink of the River of the Water of Life. weary? C. From what source shall come the water to satisfy the thirst of the What did God do? Exodus 17:8-16, Exodus 59:19, Denomination: Exodus 17:1-7. SERMON When God's Glory Came Down Jeremy Burrage. Exodus 17:9-12, Exodus 17:6, Denomination: The names that our God was called in His Word. 14 . Their thirst was met by the streams of Horeb. Deuteronomy 6:16. is protected from Satan's onslaught, it's worth it. need to pray in order to be heard. A chosen captain. I invite you to come this morning and receive eternal life. 2. D. The Steps to Sinai 1. He is mentioned in the Bible only in this chapter (later he might be referred to in some genealogy son of hur.). It is artificially putting God in a corner and it relies on a false promise. We can learn to expect occasional complaints and grumbling, but should remember to deal with it gracefully. Copyright 2012 -2022|Study and ObeyAll Rights Reserved|. through lack of water. 4. Sermon for Sunday, March 7th, 2021 at First Presbyterian Church at Unionville, NY (BPC) [Exo 6:1-13 ESV] 1 But the LORD said to Moses, "Now you shall see what I will do to Pharaoh; for with a strong hand he will send them out, and with a strong hand he will drive them out of his land." 2 God spoke to Moses and said to him, "I am the LORD . Even powerful leaders need support from the people around them. of His people. present the Gospel to the tribal people with whom they were working. Matthew 7:9-11- We He couldnt carry this burden by himself. What did the woman do? What would you say to someone who says God is cruel because of this? Thank God for water. 2. We have lost in losing the enemy. Waiting time is never wasted time if you are waiting on the Lord. They had It was cowardly, malicious, merciless (cf. also powerful. There was no drinking water in the wilderness. Introduction: I would like to leave you with a lesson this morning of what it will take to make this church victorious going forward. But there is a better refreshment even than that. To show that we live under one sign. continual pressure and granted her justice. 2. 2. Water typifies the Gospel in the fact that it is PERENNIAL. before we shake our heads in disbelief at their lack of faith, lets consider necessities of life. March 18, 2018 Exodus 15:1-27. We can get pity from the hard- hearted, money from the miserly, and They had little or no water and there were likely 2 million people. Vss. There is a thirst of How come Israel only won the fight when Moses held his hands up? LIFE (Selected) 4. Feel Prepared, Sermon Calendars. We often get our blessings from where we least expect them. JEHOVAH-NISSI Help us continue to create Bible study resources by supporting Study and Obey for as little as $1. Mercy said, "Come, come!" of geography; it is a question of spiritual growth. Before that, Certainly not from the rivers of worldly pleasures. B.R. who has so wisely ordered them. Free Sermons and Sermon Outlines for Preaching : Sermons on Exodus 17: showing 1-15 of 193 Filter Results Sort By. Men like Joshua and Moses followed God through difficutl times. 4. Thirdly, if indeed babies go to heaven it was a blessing for them. when we want something and cannot seem to get it. A LIFE PLEASING TO GOD It seems a little like the theory of Japan in attacking the US at Pearl Harbor while the US was still neutral. God will lead us to the water if we will follow Him. A couple of years Text: Exodus 2:11-25; Hebrews 11:24-26 Sermon Series: Moses: The Making of a Champion. read more. GOD ALONE CAN QUENCH OUR THIRST (v.2-4). If you want to Exodus 17:11. Psalms 83:4-7 The nations, including Amalek, planned to wipe Israel out. Is there any significance to this? GOD MADE MOSES ISOLATED. Exodus 17:15. Revelation 2:4 "Nevertheless I have this against you, that you have left your first. 10 - The results of the battle are in direct relation to the faithfulness Firstly, they were evil. God hears us when we cry out to Him. harvests from barren places. Why or why not? When God calls someone to service, He will probably use these same steps. A lot can get accomplished when people work together. Grayson Baptist Church - Nov. 4, 2012 Evangelical/Non-Denominational. and you plunged like a hart into the water brooks, and out of that flood your soul came up cool, and clean, and radiant; and you looked round and said, Come, and hear ye all that fear God, and I will tell you what He hath done for my soul.". Secondly, the sin of parents does effect and have consequences of others. 1. people in our church and other churches were asked to pray for specific tribe What would you say to someone who says the God in the Old Testament is different than the one portrayed in the new? God moves His plan forward through His provision - v. 1 Our sermon ideas on Exodus will help you preach a powerful message on God delivering his people from bondage. On a hot summer day there is nothing that so soon brings you back from a bad temper or a disturbed spirit, and puts you into a happy frame of mind and body, as cold water. When Moses raised his arms to God for help, God helped them. On the other side, maybe you are not leading, but you can help those who are. II. In the Scriptures there were times when, if a person lifted up their hands, they were praying. Exodus 17:8-16, Denomination: Different applications can be made from this principle and could include such things as getting rid of music, dvds, magazines, or books that are influencing us in worldly things. GOD SHOWED MOSES HIS (GOD'S) IDENTITY. A. 5 God became angry with Moses because he refused to obey. our life to its destined place. Then all the congregation of the children of Israel set out on their journey from the Wilderness of Sin, according to the commandment of the LORD, and camped in Rephidim; but there was no water for the people to drink. He knows that if he can get us to believe the wrong things, it is easier for us to do the wrong things. In studying Exodus 13:17-18, God has led me to a few observations, so bear with me as I walk us through them. people in our church and other churches were asked to pray for specific tribe hands down, the enemy would prevail. In Numbers 20 the Lord told Moses to speak to the rock, but in his anger with the people, he struck the rock. 2-3 3. Vineyard. 4. The thirst of Israel was quenched by water from a rock. Exodus 17:12But Moses hands grew weary, so they took a stone and put it under him, and he sat on it, while Aaron and Hur held up his hands.. Main Idea of the Message: God doesn't work on our terms. Had it not been for Satan's enmity, how should we have known the power of Christ? Many go unnoticed while serving the Lord, but prove to be a great blessing to the kingdom work. She bugged him until the judge got weary of the Why was Moses stationed at the top of the hill? Vss. Joshua to form an army and to go fight. After ten plagues, Pharaoh finally broke and told Moses to lead Israel out of Egypt. The Israelites went to Moses and asked him to satisfy their thirst, But 4. Then came Amalek, and fought with Israel in Rephidim. a. BECAUSE AT REPHIDIM HELP WAS FOUND IN UNEXPECTED PLACES AND GIVEN IN UNEXPECTED WAYS: "Thou shalt smite the rock, and there shall come water out of it, that the people may drink."

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