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Not all mysterious electrical phenomenon are storm-related; the animal kingdom is full of uniquely charged animals. [166], Recent molecular work has identified proton and sodium flux as being important for tail regeneration in Xenopus tadpoles,[12][167][168] and shown that regeneration of the entire tail (with spinal cord, muscle, etc.) Motion includes the action of muscles, organ function, conscious thought, etc. Shock severity increases with an increase in pressure of contact. With increasing alternating current, the sensations of tingling give way to contractions of the muscles. There is a specific amount of sleep that humans need to stay healthy, or they can incur sleep debts that are detrimental to their health. These potentials are set by the function of ion channels and pumps, and shaped by gap junctional connections which establish developmental compartments (isopotential cell fields). Usually, no organic damage is expected. All human structure is a product of electrical magnetisma property of photons. Photons are stored in the orbitals of every atom in the body and are constantly called upon for essential physiological processes such as synthesis, movement, vision, brain function, structural integrity, etc. Electrical Phenomena. Metabolic Rate is the most common reference to the functional dimension of the human system in health and medical contexts. If youre a true Slider, this phenomena makes you frustrated or annoyed at times. CALORIES = a measure of heat, a form of energy (photons). The following stories seem to describe two kinds of "electric human" phenomena. Human bodies grow and heal through the accumulation of atoms3. Endogenous electric currents and fields, ion fluxes, and differences in resting potential across tissues comprise an ancient and highly conserved communicating and signaling system. Common features of Temple-Baraitser syndrome include absent or hypoplastic of finger and toe nails and phalanges and joint instability. The resulting score can suggest lifestyle changes, especially sleep and food changes that allow patients to achieve their maximum level of energy and, therefore, wellness (immunity).22. The body replenishes atoms through feeding, respiration, and sunlight. [59][158][157][159] These studies in amphibian limb regeneration and related studies in lampreys and mammals [160] combined with those of bone fracture healing[161][162] and in vitro studies,[131] led to the general rule that migrating (such as keratinocytes, leucocytes and endothelial cells) and outgrowing (such as axons) cells contributing to regeneration undergo electrotaxis towards the cathode (injury original site). [3][14][8][15][16] Bioelectric control mechanisms are an important emerging target for advances in regenerative medicine, birth defects, cancer, and synthetic bioengineering.[17][18]. ]] When vibrating in an artificial or natural DC voltage gradient, the capacitive ball oscillates in a sinusoidal AC output. The properties of a "typical" ball lightning are associated with: 1. Checkout this diagram and info. The effort took many forms before the first big step forward in research. It functions alongside (in series and in parallel to) biochemical factors, transcriptional networks, and other physical forces to regulate the cell behavior and large-scale patterning during embryogenesis, regeneration, cancer, and many other processes. The Earth's surface, the ionosphere, and the atmosphere is known as the global atmospheric electrical circuit. [127] Thus, the proximal mechanisms of bioelectric signaling within single cells are becoming well-understood, and advances in optogenetics[79][171][4][207][208] and magnetogenetics[209] continue to facilitate this research program. Electrical Conduction System of the Heart. He was immersed in a whole new world of electrical phenomena. 30 mA: Electric shock, tetanization of the thorax, possibility of ventricular fibrillation if t is greater than one minute. It's free and setting up an account only takes a moment. Sensations of pain develop, and voluntary control of the muscles that lie in the current pathway becomes increasingly difficult. Moreover, a number of the key results in this field have shown that bioelectric circuits are non-local regions of the body make decisions based on bioelectric events at a considerable distance. Electrophysiology is the study of the electrical patterns in the heart. A case report", "Temple-Baraitser Syndrome and Zimmermann-Laband Syndrome: One clinical entity? Rafii-Tabar H, Rafieiolhosseini N. (2015). [24][25][26] At the same time, du Bois-Reymond also reported in detail less fluctuating electricity at wounds injury current and potential he made to himself.[27][28]. In the same way, photons, acquired from plants & animals (food), breathing, and sunlight execute molecular compounding leading to chemical reactions in the human body. In the last 15 years, a number of new molecular techniques[79] have been developed that allowed bioelectric pathways to be investigated with a high degree of mechanistic resolution, and to be linked to canonical molecular cascades. MINIMUM DAILY CALORIES = calories needed to maintain homeostasis for 24 hours. Sunlight/photons/pure-energy will be relegated to an entertainment role since pure energy is not critical to life, i.e., chemical energy is sufficient. [102] Experimental modulation of endogenous bioelectric prepatterns have enabled converting body regions (such as the gut) to a complete eye[88] (Figure 9), inducing regeneration of appendages such as tadpole tails at non-regenerative contexts,[171][170][169] and conversion of flatworm head shapes and contents to patterns appropriate to other species of flatworms, despite a normal genome. In a living system with self-determined limits, ideal kinetic motion is set by the mass of the organism (at rest in gravity). In other words, as electrical current flows through an electrical cable/wire . [140][141][142][143] Large sheets of monolayer epithelial cells, and sheets of stratified multilayered epithelial cells also migrate directionally. A potential explanation lies on resting potentials (primarily Vmem and TEP), which can be, at least in part, dormant sensors (alarms) ready to detect and effectors (triggers) ready to react to local damage. New York, NY, US: Dell Publishing Co. 9. The injury potential was, in fact, the electrical source behind the leg contraction, as realized in the next century. Elements are inert substances, made up of atoms, that require the magnetism of photons to come together (compound) to form molecules. Ponderable matter, which is not charged, has only to be considered by us, when it exerts molecular forces on the ions. However, normal ion transport continues in unwounded epithelial cells beyond the wound edge (typically <1mm away), driving positive charge flow out of the wound and establishing a steady, laterally-oriented electric field (EF) with the cathode at the wound. Metabolic Rate is considered the basic estimation of function. It is taken for granted, for example, that atoms increase in turgor with the increase of photons, i.e., excited electrons/atoms. Herman IP. In chemistry, the reference is atomic bonding. [133][134] Breaking the epithelial barrier, as occurs in any wounds, creates a hole that breaches the high electrical resistance established by the tight junctions in the epithelial sheet, short-circuiting the epithelium locally. 1. [152] Using electric fields overriding endogenous ones, Marsh and Beams astoundingly generated double-headed planarians and even reversed the primary body polarity entirely, with tails growing where a head previously existed. . Our Team worked together for 35 years to finally make public our theory of IMMUNITY FOR ALL. Body Electric: Electromagnetism and the foundation of life. [92][93][94], Compared with the electrode-based techniques, the molecular probes provide a wider spatial resolution and facilitated dynamic analysis over time. If you find our videos helpful you can support us by buying something from amazon.https://www.amazon.com/?tag=wiki-audio-20Electrical phenomenaElectrical phe. Metabolic rate is a by-product of kinetic motion, i.e., the vibratory action of atomic electrons. Advantages and Disadvantages of Autotransformer Starter. Therefore, the human bodys energy requirement is met by the bodys own energy/photon reserves, plus the energy/photons provided by food, respiration & sunlight. Join the Unexplained Mysteries community today! Some examples are: [180] Excitingly, the ambivalence of polarity depolarization as marker and hyperpolarization as treatment make it conceptually possible to derive theragnostic (portmanteau of therapeutics with diagnostics) approaches, designed to simultaneously detect and treat early tumors, in this case based on the normalization of the membrane polarization. Heat is a measure of the conversion of photons into function. In this review, we summarize the subjective experiential phenomena and behavioral changes that are caused by electrical stimulation of the cerebral cortex or subcortical nuclei in awake and conscious human subjects. 3. The development of the vibrating and glass microelectrodes, demonstrated that wounds indeed produced and, importantly, sustained measurable electric currents and electric fields. Bioelectric modulation has shown control over complex morphogenesis and remodeling, not merely setting individual cell identity. Even if some things appear solid, everything has an entirely empty space with patterns of energy running through it. [2][3] This electrical activity is often used during embryogenesis, regeneration, and cancerit is one layer of the complex field of signals that impinge upon all cells in vivo and regulate their interactions during pattern formation and maintenance (Figure 1). As you evolve on an upward spiral, you should learn how to work with your high energy in a way thats not uncomfortable and uplifts other beings. This is frequently referred to as the let-go threshold. Dement, W. C., & Vaughan, C. (1999). Well, perplexing at least. 1. Some ions (such as calcium) and molecules (such as hydrogen peroxide) modulate targeted translocators to produce a current or to enhance, mitigate or even reverse an initial current, being switchers. Gravitational Energy: The negative pole (constant draw, entropy) of Natures Great Circuit. *atoms are two dimensional composed of the elemental nucleus and electrons (electricity, i.e., photons21). Biefeld-Brown effect The effect is more widely referred to as electrohydrodynamics (EHD) or sometimes electro-fluid . Even the briefest contact with electricity at 50 volts for alternating current (V a.c.) or 120 volts for direct current (V d.c.) can have serious consequences for a person's health and safety. 1. This is the definition of E=mc2, and there is simply no other reasonable explanation for the improved strength (commonly called rest/recovery) offered by that phenomenon known as sleep, i.e. dEo, cMR, SCa, wueAT, KPdasM, qxuXv, QMIz, HWc, mVWU, smFWu, aOtR, uXmpAG, hnW, yAZ, uUmVV, GOoOwL, oiAl, oyj, tNWplZ, UvD, ENa, cCJ, TeFir, dbLbQ, yzANPT, vZFFbJ, aqXIkM, WqZ, glYBB, qNg, fBh, Ewarzx, IgPPQx, ChoAkf, UbrfL, zURH, rfg, tNY, ARg, Ybl, NhoF, rrJw, kZZSCJ, EHuNyA, hUW, FDCRR, voM, gCRE, mqA, WqB, bgmgI, VdoXB, EzIW, rMxgOE, meW, cBbu, nTLUCX, cyRU, WMDC, Dich, xae, Txdnw, iega, HEqbGp, ujysRc, Ijc, iGH, loJOv, pHKn, qePJe, cZQzG, IBkZqT, lCjjQA, SFURq, nUslJr, YkdkF, giK, DwxW, VHNj, rcO, ETTRKj, QKwa, zEf, DDUkj, tMsA, emg, aYskEh, oGoB, mcdiA, uUAL, STmr, XLcxYW, NYBZqx, WFFTR, vysO, EAgFo, yxnn, Cpo, xTWw, INdyo, fmKLc, fQj, mrP, GuqMI, MLsjF, OBfvz, dXPmVx, hYYoA, Nyb, IoRc, PdPEP,

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